Tiebreaker Poll -- JULY Writing Challenge -- READ FIRST POST!

Tiebreaker Poll -- July Writing Challenge

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Ursa major

Bearly Believable
Staff member
Aug 7, 2007
We have a three-way tie!

The stories:

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants by RcGrant

"That's not fair," I complained, as Father closed Cornish Legends. "Why did the giant have to die?"

"He betrayed his friend by stealing his wife." Father stood, pushing his fingers underneath his spectacles to rub his eyes. Wrinkles spread from the corners like lines on a map. It was hard work being a single dad.

"But you're not dead," I pointed out.

"It's a story, go to sleep." Father shut the door with a click.

Gruff Justice by alchemist

Gruff the tragic dragon lived in a tree,
'Cos pirates burned his castle and most of his family.
In the cold, wet forest, he caterwauled all day,
Until he dried his tears and left Dracoshenora Bay.

Gruff the angry dragon searched o'er the sea.
He cremated the killers and burned half their home city.
His wings were rent and broken, the shoreline all aflame.
He died, and now the dragonfolk revere and sing his name.

Urban by HareBrain
A friend’s friend did the perfect crime, knew he’d do no time, but the victim’s sis was mistress of rhyme and put out a track, got her own back with magic black, he heard it, the word it got to his brain, made a tumour, the rumour was he saw the boy he'd killed every day, every way accusing this loser until he tried to waste him; the police faced him. One shot aced him.

The usual rules apply:

Any member of the Chrons can cast a vote

Each member may cast one vote only

You may not vote for yourself

The winner of the poll will choose the theme for August

The poll will close at 11:59pm GMT on July 30 2012

Please note -- this is an open poll. Everyone will be able to see which story you voted for.​

This thread is to be used for voting only. Please keep comments on the stories for the Discussion thread. Any comments posted here will be removed.
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