Looking for Specific Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book


New Member
Aug 13, 2012
There is a book that I came across in a Barnes & Noble in California perhaps a year ago, I do not remember the title. I flipped open the first few pages and skimmed over them, and now I regret not writing down the title because it was interesting.

Basically, in the first scene there is a woman in a house with a child of some kind. Someone walks in, and there's some kind of distortion of reality, or perhaps the woman's memory is altered somehow, and then I believe the person who walked in leaves with the child.

I get the idea from the book that there's some kind of heavy change or cataclysmic thing happening, but I can't be sure what it was exactly.

That's not much to go off of, but I haven't been able to find this book so if anyone can help me that would be much appreciated :)
