Sir Bernard Lovell dies aged 98


Mad Mountain Man
Jun 29, 2010
Scottish Highlands

He is probably best known for establishing the Jodrell bank radio telescope in 1955. It was the largest radio telescope in the world at the time and is still the 3rd largest and is still working hard (despite the fact that is also now a grade 1 listed building!).

The telescope was also the only telescope capable of tracking rockets in space during the early years of the Cold War.

I know he's not directly involved with sff but he was certainly involved with the science part.
A trivia fact is that the character of Bernard Quatermass was supposedly named after Bernard Lovell. If not directly involved in SFF, he certainly helped inspire writers of it.

He helped to improve radar and became a leading light in radio astronomy. An impressive, intelligent man.
I believe he fought a major battle to get the Jodrell Bank telescope built whilst still in the post war austerity period, only to be praised later when they realised it was the only telescope in the world that would be able to spot a Russian missiles attack. (or indeed an American one for that matter :))
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