Michael O'Hare has died


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Nov 6, 2008
I just hear that Michael O'hare of Babylon 5 has died of a heart attack.

RIP Michael.
Very sad.

Although I never appreciated him at the time on B5 he is one of those characters/actors that stuck with me.

His delivery of the '...And the sky full of stars...' is probably one of my favourite moments from the whole of B5 and it is down to his delivery.

RIP Michael
Blimey, how many of the cast is that now? RIP Michael.
He was my favortie commander. He had a great stage presence. Like a mild mannered "Buck Rogers: space hero" type.

I salute you Mr O'Hara.

I will miss you Michael. :(
Bugger - I didn't notice this thread until just now.

Rest easy, Commander.
Very sad to hear that. Every year or two we just re-watch the whole series from start to finish and literally just got to the end of the most recent viewing last week.

Favorite still has to be him quietly introducing himself as Valen and presenting B4.

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