3.04: The Walking Dead - Killer Within


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
An unidentified person scatters a deer carcass in a trail leading up to the prison. As walkers follow the bait the person breaks open the gate and places a deer heart in front of it, while the survivors discuss what's the best plan to clear out rest of the prison.

In Woodbury, Michonne inspects the salvaged National Guard trucks and starts to question The Governor about the circumstances of the soldiers deaths.
Ok, I have a habit of playing the justifier when it comes to the defense of tv shows or movies that people will critique, and while I am still enjoying the characters and the setting of the stories they are telling, I have to say they are knocking off characters in really stupid ways. Walkers are not exactly stealthy or particularly fast. I wish they would stop killing off characters because a zombie snuck up on them. In a world overrun by zombies, especially if a group of them is attacking, you should always look around and behind you constantly. That is just a simple paranoid/survival instinct most seem not to have in this show. It seems to be a popular writing tool as they have been using it since season one at their RV basecamp when Andrea's sister and others got killed. They even set a perimeter alarm up there. This seems to be the weakest element to this otherwise engaging show, but I have to admit, I am finding myself less caring for these characters to be knocked off because its usually the same way every time-they did not notice a zombie come up from behind them, stumbling and groaning like the ONE that got Dale in an open field.
Oh dear that was sad. So sad. And even though I feel certain people should have gone, there are still golden moments in this episode that marks their departure in glorious way.

I feel for them, the people of yesterday world trying to live in world that is completely new. One where Rick's and Governor's tyrannical rules seems to be the only way forward. It is almost as if they understand the situation better then anyone else.

But it's not the only way, as Michonne had shown us by her surviving alone against all odds by taking care of Andrea, when she was sick. And talking about Andrea, what is that draws her to the alpha male types?

Shane was a prime example of how she sees differently the males from rest of pack. And my suspicions are that because she has an itch, she's going to end in the bed with the governor. But I for one, would like to spare her for that horror, and therefore I'm going ask, is Merle going to save her?

And as I'm here, I'd like to raise a glass to T-dog. You were one my favourites, even if you didn't had many lines in the long run. Rest in peace.
Andrea's kind of starting to annoy me. She keeps going through these bouts where she really doesn't want to live, and then something happens that gets her to want to survive again but she doesn't always make the best choices where that's involved; it started with Amy and then Dale/Shane made her want to live, but she didn't really want to listen to any of the training she was getting. Then Michonne found her and tried to keep her alive but she said just let me go (granted that was a sound reason--she thought she was just slowing her down), and now that they've found Woodbury and more importantly the Governor, she wants to stay alive. Speaking of which, I wonder if the Governor's managed to get another convert? Andrea seems to have warmed up to him and he keeps talking her into staying 'just a couple more days'. This point seems to be making Michonne angry because she doesn't trust the place (not that I blame her), so my question is, why does she stay? She's already made it very clear how she feels but everytime Andrea comes up with a reason to stay, she (reluctantly) agrees. Is she really that concerned with Andrea's safety or is she trying to figure the Governor out?

Merle looks like he might actually go against the Governor's orders. As much of a pain as he is, he really does love Daryl and really wants to have the two of them together again. That being said, I'm sure he's going to make it really hard for Daryl to stay the person he's become if they ever find each other again. Maybe he and Michonne will team up somehow?

Now onto the prison:
Holy cow!
I think that this might have set Rick off, hopefully only for an episode where he kind of goes on a mini walker killing spree and then they're able to talk some sense into him. Carl's definitely scarred now, I hope that he doesn't keep it bottled up though, that'll be very bad for everyone.

I did like Lori's speech to Carl about not doing something because it was easy. She sounded like she was talking about her experience with Shane (without actually saying that; it can apply to anything).

Now they have to try and find Carol, and decide what to do about Axle and Oscar. Oscar could be helpful I think, but Axle seems like he's one step short of a really bad nervous breakdown and that's not safe for anyone.
Yes, that was an emotionally charged episode! I was hoping that T-Dog's role on the show would have been expanded, but that's the way it goes. At least he went out a hero in his attempts to protect Carol (I'll bet she's still alive). And now Lori is apparently dead too. My wife has an interesting theory that Carl was unable to shoot his mom and that we'll probably see her as a zombie in the next episode or two. If Carl didn't shoot his mom, there must have been another zombie the found it's way into the room and he shot it. Otherwise, he must have wasted a bullet if he didn't shoot Lori and I would think he's smart enough not to waste ammo. Enjoyed the episode very much. I agree, Merle might just defy the Gov and search for his bro anyway... and that will cost him.
I disagree in regards of Carl, and I strongly believe he did shot the damned queen of twists and turns. Thing is that they showed the flashback of his dad giving him a gun and telling him, "You got to be a man." And that's what we have seen, he has grown up so much in the world, where he cannot be a child any more. And although I agree it's hard for you to shoot your own parent, it's what he did as he certainly didn't want any harm to come to his baby sister.

The baby is everything to this group. It unifies them and gives them hope in the time when death is trying to rule over the living. They only need to look outside the window to see the walkers groaning in the field, and they're instantly reminded that in the moment of death they are back to haunt the living.

There is no cure.

We have seen that. The people are f**ked, but they are still trying even though it would be easier to lay down and die. They need that hope. They need that something to keep going. And the children are their most valuable possession. But I don't think Governor sees that. He's trying to get certain number of people to play for his ideals.

It is almost as if he has this utopistic dream, where the people sees him as the messiah, the saviour. But Rick's not like that. He broke down completely when he heard Lori had gone bye-bye. And the prison was his ultimate safe-house for times to comes. It's was his castle, but now that the queen is dead, who know what's going to happen? But one thing is sure. He cannot hide himself in the bottle.
I just watched it now, and I've gotta say, I was expecting to be pleased at Lori's death but it really choked me up. The last couple of episodes have been fantastic, though of course Andrea's being taken for a mug by the lovely, evil Governor. Looking forward to what appears to be Rick's mental breakdown and of course the question of what will happen to Carol.
Dead Lady Macbeth explains what she thinks her departure means to Rick:
"In the book, Rick goes nuts because she dies. I think the way he goes nuts is pretty cool, and I think we want to see that at some point. Will Rick accept the child? Will this child have a chance? I think this is something that [Lori] settled into her own mind. I think she believes that Rick is a man who will not turn his back on a baby."

I just watched it now, and I've gotta say, I was expecting to be pleased at Lori's death but it really choked me up.

Not me, I'm glad she's dead, annoying harpy. Still, I would agree it was a powerfully executed departure. At the end of last season I was wishing for Carl's death as well, though he's more tolerable this season.

Sorry to see T-Dog go, even though he had only a small role (my wife was surprised everytime he popped up, because he was used so infrequently she'd forget he was part of the group). I do agree with Huttman - these easy, suprise-attack deaths are becoming a bit much. If they are going to bump people off, do it a little more creatively. At least they did so with Lori. A death not caused by zombies but rather an unfortunate accident or circumstance is always going to have more impact and seem more devastating in this world...
ScifiNow interviewed Lori but also T-Dog on his death:

Did you hope they would flesh your character out with more back-story before they killed you off?

I am totally and completely satisfied with how the show went. I think the show is a success because of a brilliant team of individuals, and everybody coming together and doing their part, so it’s not my call to say that I wanted more or less; I’m just so pleased to have been a part of something so special and so historic.

Well just watched the episode and was pretty pleased that I had not seen any spoilers, because it would have torn the heart out of what I have just witnessed.

For something that in the first instance seemed to be just another horror/zombie show, The Walking Dead just continues to grow and grow and surprise. In a good way.

I wonder how many people avoid it because of the name and the gruesome SFX, not realising just what they are missing out on.

I don't really know what to say about this episode, as it had it all, drama, death of a major character, some twists and turns, what might be character growth, some subtle manipulations, the death of another main character, one of the hardest decisions and acts I think I've seen on a TV show.

As long as they can keep turning this level of quality out I'll keep watching.

Now to think about it some more...
I wonder how many people avoid it because of the name and the gruesome SFX, not realising just what they are missing out on.

My missus only watches the main turns, like in this one she asked me to unplug my earphone when Lori started to push the kid out. But she recognises that this is a great series, or at least one that appeals my twisted mind. Also whenever people ask me to recommend them something to watch and I mention The Walking Dead, she adds, "It's really horribly... in good way."
I do have to wonder if they have a special room where all the writers and producers sit together and try and come up with the most gruesome deaths and then making them happen.

"Do you think we can see someone get their throat ripped out?"

"Yeah, we can make that look good..."
The anti keeps getting raised on this series. This episode was about as powerful viewing as you are likely to see anywhere, big screen and small.

I would tend to disagree with the comments about the walkers sneaking up and killing characters. T-Dog was caught in a melee at the gates where he was bitten initially. There wasn't much he could do about it as all his attention was focused in holding off the walkers facing him.
Having just caught this episode, I really enjoyed it. Although T-Dog wasn't my favourite character I was starting to quite like him (surprised he wasn't killed off much earlier as he seemed to have less development/backstory than everyone else). There is a moral, though: don't become the conscience of the group. Dale got bumped off, and then T-Dog when he spoke up for the prisoners.

Lori wasn't a character I liked much, but the death was very nicely done.

Michonne (is this a usual US name? I've never heard it before) is a new favourite.
Michonne (is this a usual US name? I've never heard it before) is a new favourite.

Michonne is a very rare name that originates from French last name Michon. And I believe Kirkman invented it purely to make her sound more bad ass at the same time as it delivered her character.

Also I'm glad you like her so much as she has a huge following in the comic side.
Good. Hopefully that means she'll last a long time.
The Michonne character is growing on me.

I had heard that Lori died, but hadnt seen how, so wasnt sure how I would react. It was a well done scene. But am I sorry she's gone... Only in it will cause upheaval for Rick.
I thought Rick's reaction to Lori's death showed he had still cared for her, despite their differences. Mind you, its confusing that he shut her out for so long, when you see such a strong reaction to her death.

I hope they find Carol
