3.05: The Walking Dead - Say the Word


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
After losses keeps mounting Rick struggles to keep himself together. So feeling sorry for the man Daryl steps up and goes out on supply hunt for Rick's newborn child. But what's going to happen, when at the same time Milton tries to convince Merle for not going out to search for his brother? Is he going to listen the creepy scientist or be stubborn and head out? Does Daryl find out Woodbury and see his brother arguing at its gates?

This is getting exciting, and even though I have my suspicions about what's going to happen, I cannot be absolutely sure as there's almost nothing predictable in this series.
Ring, Ring...


My word that was a good episode. I almost don't want to write about it, but back in my mind I really do. It was that good!

The world according to the two dictators has gone completely mad. There not a bit of sanity left in them. The Governor, even though he might shown having few marbles in his bag has really lost them, and he thinks he got them but in reality he doesn't. But Rick, he's not much better. Not really...

The whole losing one's partner has driven him completely bonkers and there's no coming back. Not after the trip he took through the prison. And I do wonder if left any biters shambling in the corners. So is he really any better than the man in the Woodbury, who thinks that entertainment is a solution to keep the people on his side?

In the other hand, you look the main man Daryl and you see that even though he should be the one, who don't have any bats left in his bell tower after the childhood he went through shows surprising amount of sensibility.

There was no word that needed to be uttered as he took off in his Harley and drove towards the sunset to get the baby formula. And not only he got that but he also brought back dinner. And a flower to his lover. *sniff*

Wow! Great episode.

I love how they're showing Daryl stepping up and being the one who's going to do everything he can to make sure that they don't lose the baby. They do need to name her, and somehow I'm not sure that ass-kicker is the best name for a baby girl ;) I've loved Daryl from the beginning, but I'm glad that the writers are allowing his character to evolve and grow into one of the group leaders.
Rick's getting close to completely losing it, especially now that they've brought the phone into the picture...

In Woodbury, Andrea's starting to see how right Michonne was about the Governor. She should have left with Michonne, but now she has the reason she was looking for to leave. Hopefully now she will because she needs to get out of there before it gets really bad.
This episode was awesome. Finally something interesting is happening in Woodbury with the walker gladiator games and Michonne booking it, and Rick has gone on a crazed zombie-killing rampage.

My only problem with the show this season so far is the relationship between Rick and Carl. It's nonexistent... which doesn't fit well with Rick's character. Even in season 2 Shane practically had to force Rick to talk to Carl about Dale's death. I'm not sure why they are doing this as from what I remember from the comics (it's been awhile since I read the prison era comics) Rick and Carl have a very close relationship. I guess we will see how their relationship progresses throughout the season.

I can't wait for the next episode!
My only problem with the show this season so far is the relationship between Rick and Carl. It's nonexistent... which doesn't fit well with Rick's character. Even in season 2 Shane practically had to force Rick to talk to Carl about Dale's death. I'm not sure why they are doing this as from what I remember from the comics (it's been awhile since I read the prison era comics) Rick and Carl have a very close relationship. I guess we will see how their relationship progresses throughout the season.

I don't think you should throw your towel in. The pacing in this season has been absolutely furious, but I believe that they have no other choice but grow the characters as they move on, and at some point they slow down bits a bit more and start doing more drama.

Breaking Bad had to do the same thing. It had no other choice and even though as it moves so much forward during one season, it still manages to give time for those "special" moments. And if you have done your reading then you know Rick's not going to abandon his son.
Yet another great episode! This show should be winning Emmys and not just for make-up effects either. I enjoy the back and forth between the prison setting and that of Woodbury. My sister-in-law also loves this show (after my wife and I converted her), but she would prefer that each episode just focus on one location at a time. Tried to tell her that in the long run, it would not be as effective for the show to just highlight one location. Besides that, it gives the viewer a better chance to see and possibly predict how the prison and Woodbury plots will eventually interweave together.
Well I'm not going to say this was my favourite episode this season, but it was an excellent one all the same. It's quite clever how they can show just how over the edge a character has gone, when he says nothing all episode, and spends most of the time on a zombie killing spree - the level of brutality of which was more than a little telling.

I liked the back and forth between Woodbury and the prison, I thought it really paced the episode nicely, and appreciated the development.

Like so many others I'm pleased at the way Darryl is developing. The more over the edge everyone else seems to go, the more off the rails everyone else seems to go, the more together he gets. I'm rather intrigued about the eventual reunion between him and Merle.

Says a lot when you consider the number of zombie destroyed this episode that the most disturbing thing was the Governors note book.

And what a great way to end the episode, lo key in many ways but what a great cliffhanger. Who is on the phone???

(Thanks ctg for putting the comic sequence up for that, gave a good contrast)
And what a great way to end the episode, lo key in many ways but what a great cliffhanger. Who is on the phone???

(Thanks ctg for putting the comic sequence up for that, gave a good contrast)

Well, that is the big question. And back in the days when I read the same thing, I knew that telephone network isn't depended on the house or facility energy sources. It has its own. So the better question is: is it working? And if it would be working, who would know the internal number to the generator room?

And you're welcome, even though I don't think you should thank me as I couldn't simply resist my intuition, my muse for urging to put up that strip.
Which is the prison, the petentiary or Woodbury; the place we're you're free to come and go as you please and the place we're you're not? I like the way that each is compared and contrasted, and also the way that the two leaders (dictators are too); at least with the Governor there is a semblance of free will, a chance for his people to air their views and have them considered/debated, whilst Rick allows for no voice to be heard other than his.

If this series was on BBC/Sky it would be getting all the accolades; because it's on a 'lesser' channel it's not; which is a real shame as it knocks the spots off most the programmes from the afore-mentioned broadcasters.
Well, that is the big question. And back in the days when I read the same thing, I knew that telephone network isn't depended on the house or facility energy sources. It has its own. So the better question is: is it working? And if it would be working, who would know the internal number to the generator room?

And you're welcome, even though I don't think you should thank me as I couldn't simply resist my intuition, my muse for urging to put up that strip.

I think the most important question is this; is there a phone there at all?
I think the most important question is this; is there a phone there at all?

My guess is that it is the scientist guy in Woodbury. It is the only way I can see them linking up the story. Of course it could mean that Rick has gone completly off the range. Whatever it is, it does make for compelling viewing.
Like so many others I'm pleased at the way Darryl is developing. The more over the edge everyone else seems to go, the more off the rails everyone else seems to go, the more together he gets. I'm rather intrigued about the eventual reunion between him and Merle.

Me, too. I hope he doesn't regress. One thing is for sure - Merle isn't going to like the man Darryl has become....
Me, too. I hope he doesn't regress. One thing is for sure - Merle isn't going to like the man Darryl has become....

Of course there's no guarantees that Darryl won't switch sides the second his brother comes back on the scene. We've seen bigger surprises on the show...
How about Merle switching sides? After all you get a sense that something in the Governor character is scaring him.
Now you are playing with us ctg! You've read the comics so you might have a clue where this is going, but you might just be trying to lead us down the wrong track, or the show might be different to the comic, or....

No, I think my mind is starting to unravel.

Is that a phone ringing?
Culhwch said:
I believe Merle and Darryl were created for the TV show, but having never read the comics I could be wrong...

That's right, they were created for the TV series like couple of other characters and so far TV has taken different route to the comic.

Perpetual man said:
Is that a phone ringing?

Surely it was. Now, don't read the comic as it might be somewhat full of spoilers. Just right click the img and add it to your adblock, if you will.

Thanks for clearing that up Cul and ctg.

But it's a comic strip, how can I not read it? ;) :rolleyes:
