3.07: The Walking Dead - When the Dead Come Knocking


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
While the Governor pushes Glenn and Maggie, Michonne forces Rick to make a decision.

This is second last episode before next week mid-season finale, and I'm trying my hardest not to push out the episodes out before the last minute. So if you have been wondering what's going on, the reason is, the titles are very spoilerific. In their own way they reflect very much about things that's going to happen, even though they are never voiced but left in the narrative for the watchers. And as you can guess, it was just question of time about when the dead roll out from the woods and start knocking the doors.

How it will go down and who's left standing at the end is at the moment big question in my mind. If you have time, drop in speculations.
Very intense episode. Any likability I had for the Gov. is gone now as I knew it would eventually. Even with Merles dislike of the way the Gov feels about Daryl, Merle will never fit in our group. That is going to be interesting. Great episode. Why did the guy in that smelley shack say he would call the cops on them? I found that odd. I hope none of our current group dies next week.
Ooo, interesting. I have been feeling Merle is going to join the group and start educating Daryl on "how the man should live his life," and on various other subject he feels strong about. But I doubt they'll let him in after he kidnapped the couple.

What happened to them, I don't know. I haven't seen the episode yet.
Tense episode. Didn't think it was possible to dislike Merle any more than I already did. The reunion with Darryl is going to interesting. They've dropped plenty of hints that Darryl never much liked Merle, so I wouldn't be surprised if Merle's end comes courtesy of a crossbow bolt.

The Governor is just plain sleazy. No redeeming features at all. I hope Michonne runs him through.

That guy in the shack - I figured he'd been alone since the start of it all, laying low, keeping to himself, gone a little crazy. I find it hard to believe, though, that he hadn't been found by a Woodbury patrol - they seem pretty amateur, if so.

Can't wait for the showdown next week. I wonder who'll bite it. It's almost a given that one of the good guys will.
I cannot reframe it in words better than what Mrs Ctg as when she referred the Governor at the end, when she said: "He's one piece of sh*t, innit? You wouldn't want me him at the dark of night, would you?"

No I wouldn't. Mister Morrissey is doing such fine work with him that even though after ten minutes and a cup of tea, I'm still feeling shocked. My heart is bounding and I feel anger building in me. I just want to go out there and do something nasty.

But that's mark of a good fiction. The plausibility of disbelief is holding strong and the world of Walking Dead is as real as this one. The characters are life like and they show the same range of emotions as we do, faced in the same circumstances. And talking about circumstances, it doesn't look good in any way or shape.

Not for the people of Woodbury and certainly not for the survivors of the Prison. The danger never goes away and the people on both sides are as dangerous as a herd of zombies. And the only thing that separates them from people is the fact that they cannot form a rational thoughts. Not a single one.

They are driven by the parasitic virus to ravage on any living things. No matter if they were close to each other before they turned. The person who was before is no longer and there's only death that will stop them from doing, what they have been doing.

Huttman said:
Why did the guy in that smelley shack say he would call the cops on them?
Culhwch said:
That guy in the shack - I figured he'd been alone since the start of it all, laying low, keeping to himself, gone a little crazy.

I agree. After losing his companion what else he had left. Lying on his bed and wait for the death to arrive, while he dreamed about the world of yesterday. And I think those thought had got a hold of him and he found it hard to believe that there's no government.

Culhwch said:
I find it hard to believe, though, that he hadn't been found by a Woodbury patrol - they seem pretty amateur, if so.

You are right. It seems amateurish to look over the fact that you have a deranged old fool so close the walls of Woodbury. But for one minute I thought he was the father for the Governor. The place looks like one of those ones, where you can easily start harbouring dark thoughts and go slightly mental.

Culhwch said:
Can't wait for the showdown next week. I wonder who'll bite it. It's almost a given that one of the good guys will.

My bet is on Glenn and Maggie. Neither one of them are going to walk out from the prison alive. But Merle isn't going to bite it. He'll survive.
My bet is on Glenn and Maggie. Neither one of them are going to walk out from the prison alive. But Merle isn't going to bite it. He'll survive.

I don't think so. Glenn and Maggie are just too central to everything. They're both going to get out of this alive, however not unscared. Merle might make it, but I don't think he'll be around for long especially if he tries to join the group. I think Daryl's going to end up killing him sometime soon. The Governor's definitely going down at some point and part of me is kind of rooting for Andrea to do it because she finally comes around and realizes how much of a sleaze he is.
As for the good guys, I think we're going to lose Hershel or possibly Carol and Judith.
I think Glen is fairly safe, but I'm not sure about Maggie. Even with the relationship with Glen, she's kind of peripheral. Glen is more central, and I'd put him with Rick, Carl and Darryl as close to untouchable. I doubt Carol would be on the chopping block after surviving her recent ordeal, either.

Andrea annoys me. I wouldn't complain if they killed her off...
Andrea will join the others in the prison. That's for sure. But others won't accept her as she was before and she will find hard time on defending her actions. But Glen and Maggie, they are too vital for the survival, and historically whenever someone has approached happiness in the series, they'll get wasted. And to prove, nobody is save, check this out:

This season is just great so far! There are a few things that bother me, such as the Andrea/Governor scenes, but overall I am blown away by how much better this season is from Season 2.

It's hard to give any predictions since the show is very unpredictable by nature, but we can tell that there will be a big Daryl and Merle clash soon. The writers are making a point to show how BAD Merle is (hunting down Michonne, torturing Glenn)and how GOOD Daryl is (fatherly talk with Carl, cradling the baby).
This episode felt like an in betweeners episode, it was filling space and more like a stage-setter than anything else. I felt this episode was hard to pay attention to for some reason.

Andrea is soooo much more annoying that Lori was! I can't stand Andrea! :(
I found this episode to be nearly mesmerising. I can see why it could be called a holding episode, but it was an excellent one all the pieces being moved around the board and put into place for the midseason finale - which should be magnificent if this is anything to go by.

I particularly was impressed with the juxtaposition at the start of the episode, between the way Michonne was treated when she arrived at the prison and how she was treated when she first arrived at Woodbury.

There she arrived with an injured person, at the prison she was was injured; at Woodbury they were welcomed into what appeared to be an open and free society, while at the prison she was treated with suspicion and locked up, but the latter was more honest and I think it must have appealed to her.

Like everyone else I'm intrigued as to what is going to happen with the various confrontations, Merle and Daryl, Rick and the Governor, Michonne and Andrea, not to mention the fate of some of the main characters. I'm not so sure that anyone is going to die, but that could just be wishful thinking.

Interesting picture Ctg, and I guess from somewhere down the road, the hat makes you think of Rick, but could it be Carl?

The other thing that really stood out for me in this episode was the music, the regular electric/bassy beat that punctuated the last few minutes was effective in cranking up the tension and giving an excellent lead into next week
Interesting picture Ctg, and I guess from somewhere down the road, the hat makes you think of Rick, but could it be Carl?

Rick gave the hat away and since then it has been worn by only one person and one person alone. And as you don't know the comic, I can reveal you that Rick is standing in the picture. So nobody, not even Rick, is safe in this series.
I did watch this episode, though it obviously didn't grab me enough to prompt a fresh response to this slightly old thread. From memory, I quite enjoyed it, although not nearly so much as episode 8.
I didnt feel inspired by this episode either, it was OK. But Im not liking the woodbury storyline much at all
