Very vague memories of a book...


New Member
Dec 11, 2012
I know this will sound ridiculous, but I'm trying to remember a book I read when I was 9 or 10.
These are the only details I remember;

It was a young adult book
It had to do with magic/possibly alchemy
It was about a young man, who was extremely poor as a child
The cover was a drawing of a young tan man with long blond hair, with one hand on his chest and his eyes closed.
It was set in an ancient society ( I want to say maybe Arabic)
It involved a fair bit of sex for a young adult book.

I really can't remember anything else ( I know this isnt a lot to go on lol)

If anyone can help, that would be amazing! I've been searching forever
The cover sounds vaguely familiar. Can you tell me when you were 9 or 10? Is it from the 80'"s or 90's or newer? I am thinking of a DAW yellow spine title from the early 80's with that cover.
90's, it would have been around 1998-1999. Not sure if the book was published in the 90's or the 80's though. I also recall the book being hardcover
