Name the book? Ambassador from Earth goes to a distant planet to try to avert war


Jan 4, 2013
Read this years ago but can't recall the title/author.

As i recall, the story follows a single human sent on a diplomatic mission to a planet on the edge of Earth's empire. He gets knocked about quite a bit by the aggressive local despot and ends up vastly empowered and calling in a massive invasion fleet.

Any ideas?
Could be way off the mark here, but it reminds me of one of Poul Anderson's early Dominic Flandry books...
Names that seem to ring a bell, thanks Ian, not sure but i'll check it out.

... ... ...

...and having done so don't reckon it's that, but thanks anyway.
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Yes, on checking myself, I think it was actually a short story in the series I was thinking of: "Honourable Enemies". Sorry, worth a shot. Good luck with identifying the book.
Thanks for the suggestions - i've been on the road lately, will check 'em out when i have a minute.

- i think not a Dumarest though - the guy was representing Earth's government, not looking for it
It isn't 'No Man's World' ( aka Earth's Long Shadow ) by Kenneth Bulmer, is it ?
Thanks again, sorry for delayed reply, been on the move for a month with limited time online.

I was reading a lot of Frank Herbert back then, that's a possibility.
Will check out that and the Bulmer book once i get properly linked up again, thanks MartG & northernexposure.
There's a section in Frank Herbert's The God Makers where the protagonist goes to investigate a seemingly peaceful planet but finds subtle signs of aggresion and calls in an invasion force. I'm wondering if it might be this that you're thinking of?

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