Book about flying house and a degenerating society.


New Member
Jan 17, 2013
Love science fiction(modern day prophets). Am disc
I am trying to remember a book whose main charachter is a young man living in a society that is apathetic and suicidal. Most people live in "flying" houses, and even have anti-gravity packs that many commit suicide with by breaking the "down" knob. The main characters chief hobby is watching a television chanel that features a computer generated picture of a young woman who transforms her "physique" due to input from the viewers. Can someone please help me find this book! I believe it is very salient to our society today. Thank you, Gideonsword.
Thank you, but that wasn't it. It is funny how independent, but similar ideas form in literature, and this seems to be one of them. In the book I am trying to identify, the "girl" is totally c.g. and she is not really a main charachter, merely a "diversion" charachter. Again, thank you for your help. Gideonsword
I remember a short story in ANALOG magazine 5-8 years ago (I'm 5 years behind in my reading; that's why I remembered it!) that had an over-populated Earth. There are still parks that you can visit (I think you had to win a lottery). I don't remember how you got them, but there were anti-gravity packs and people did commit suicide by flying 'up' forever...
Sorry, but although I remember the story, I don't remember the title or author. ):
--Paul E Musselman

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