Writing Seminars and Conventions


WIP me into shape!
Sep 28, 2012
Dallas, TX
I've never been to one of these, but I'm very interested. For those who've attended, what did you like or dislike? What should I look for when choosing one?
I liked the panel discussions, and the readings done by authors. I liked talking to whomever you sat next to/stood at the bar with, because you knew you had common interest, and you met some great people. I didn't like 2 hour lunches, and I didn't like the way some cliques always formed, of the same writers - they'd circle the wagons and not speak to anyone except their little clique. But they were a small group and most of the authors there were approachable and delighted to talk to you. Invariably, they (the clique) always seemed to have something to do with organising or running it. Joe Abercrombie and Brent Weeks chatted to all and sundry at the last one I went to. I didn't like the scheduling - often you'd have to hurry across/up/down to get to the next talk you wanted to go to, because not enough time was scheduled for changeovers.

I loved the bookstands - you never get that amount of SciFi and Fantasy in one room outside of conventions, ever. Ooh, I liked the goody bags of giveaways, too.

If I were you, I'd start out at the smaller ones - better value for money, IMHO, and you'll find people exactly like you, who you'll bump into at the next one, and the next...
I agree with Boneman except for...

Invariably, they (the clique) always seemed to have something to do with organising or running it.

Most definitely not true of the Bristolcon. Not only are the organisers really nice and chatty but one of them also remembered me from two years previous.
I agree with Boneman except for...

Most definitely not true of the Bristolcon. Not only are the organisers really nice and chatty but one of them also remembered me from two years previous.

Glad to hear that! The last two Brighton ones where what I spoke of... Derby was great, though. WorldCon in Reno was a waste of space, apart from ambushing Patrick Rothfuss, and chatting with him, as he signed my book. Damn expensive to get in, too...
Cool, thanks you two. I'm very interested to attend something soon. Will look around in my neck of the woods.
Conventions are a very good way to meet people on the other side of the publishing industry - authors, editors, agents, and publishing staff. Defiitely recommended.

Eastercon is the UK's "big" convention, but there are plenty of smaller ones - Alt.Fiction, and BFS, are ones I've been to before which were valuable.

Worldcon has been to the UK before, but is a worldwide event - not sure when it's next in the UK.

This year we do have the World Fantasy Convention at the end of October, which is going to be filled with people from the publishing side of the business.

EDIT: I was talking about UK events, just realised you're in Texas! Just go for it - there are some big events over there if you don't mind travelling across states. :)
