I like Iggulden, he definitely has a touch of DG about him. My brother got me to read one of Simon Scarrow's centurion books a couple of years ago. I thought it was okay, though I haven't read any more in the series (simply because my to-reads list is big enough as it stands), but I definitely picked up on some heavy DG influence in there.
Also, I recently came across a self-pubbed author called Ben Galley. He's written a few books, but I picked up the first in one of his series - it was called The Written. It really wasn't bad at all. A couple of patches of purple prose here and there, and a few rough edges, but overall I enjoyed it and thought, "Here's a guy who's been influenced by DG." Plus, for a self-pubbed author, he's really put some work into the editing and look of his books. Impressed.
For the record, though, nothing really compares to DG for me.