Science's 8 Greatest Unsolved Mysteries

Regarding immortality, believe it or not life insurance companies have thought about this. They think that most people wouldn't life beyond 700-800 years due to accidents and crime (as GK has mentioned), regardless of advances in health / medical sciences.

Now that's highlarious!
Will we find a cure for cancer? No, bad question. Cancer is not a single disease. We do cure some cancers now, and will cure more eventually.

Can we achieve immortality? No, at least not in the physical sense that I assume this question means. (Spiritually this is another matter and here I would say that some will.) We might make life extensions to perhaps 150 or so, but I doubt that the quality will be anything to write home about.

Can we create life? Scientifically No, (Many of us have created life biologically.:D) However we might be able to manipulate our biology into new kinds of existence. (see cloning etc.)

Will we find the soul? No, It remains the prerogative of faith to find the soul.

Are we alone? Maybe, There is no evidence to suggest intelligent life outside of this earth. But numbers and logic mitigate its likelihood. But numbers also indicate someone should have made contact with us before now; so just maybe.

Is light the ultimate speed limit? Maybe, gravity has to be explained before I will say that the speed of light is a "speed limit."

Can we travel through time? No, What's past is past and what's future is future. The only time we can manipulate is the present.

Will we find other universes? Maybe but not soon.

I seriously doubt humanity will see any of these in a scientific sense. If I had to pick the one most likely it would be a cure for all cancers.
