3.11: The Walking Dead - I Ain't A Judas


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
While Rick's group discusses how to they are going to take care of the zombie bomb at the their front yard and the fact they have a snake among them, Andrea confronts the Governor and Milton in middle of the plan session on raising militia from the town people.
Not a whole lot to say, really.

Rick seems to be less unhinged than he was, though it's impossible to tell how close to return super-Rick from the start of the series is.

Right on cue, Tyreese and co. have re-appeared and joined the Woodbury crew. The two kids are predictably all for joining up with the Governor to attack the prison, but Tyreese also seems to want to help - he's offering the prison layout, and he's sure to mention the breached wall they entered through. However, he's mentioned that the people (other than Rick) seem decent. Will he have a change of heart when he inevitably learns that the Governor wants them all dead?

Merle seems harmless, and he's integrating well with the group.

Michonne had lines! OMG, she can speak. Saying that, she still seems like a useless extra ripe for bullet/Walker fodder.

Glen is still angry, but I get the impression that he's less interested in his one-man Glengeance show now that the whole group has been attacked.

Talking about the group, the attack seems to have scared them straight, and they're slowly returning to being a disciplined killing unit (the addition of Merle seems to help - has he taken T-Dogs place, I wonder). The group dynamic is definitely mirroring Rick's mental state.

Blandrea... deary me. Stuck between two worlds, unsure who to believe. My money is on Andrea being the next character from the group to go (though I expect the next human death will be that kid with asthma - why else build the character up?).
I was disappointed that Maggie, Glen or even Merle did not say more to persuade Andrea to stay. With all they knew of 'Philip', it seems like poor writing to have more indecision with her fate. There has been a lot of misunderstandings in this season and its getting old to me. There was a comedy called Three's Company that was built on a weekly plot device of misunderstandings and one tires of such things. Walking Dead is still a griping show without stupid people decisions but alas maybe it's truer to life than I like. I look forward to see how this plays out nonetheless!
Why Andrea didn't do it?

She doesn't fully believe that he's bad. She's still "under his spell" as Michonne put it.

Anyway, hopefully Rick's gotten his crazy breakdown out of his system. Last episode, Hershel seemed to be talking him back and then the Governor showed up and I'm sure adrenaline was flowing, but he didn't seem all that crazy. It looks like he's kind of following Carl's advice about stepping down as a leader--he's telling Daryl to watch over things while he goes on the run.

I think Glen's biggest problem is that he wasn't able to protect Maggie from the Governor (and maybe even originally from Merle) and he doesn't know quite what to do with himself. Especially since Maggie just wants to sweep it under the rug, but I don't think either of them will be able to do that for quite awhile.

Hopefully Tyrese and Diane (was that her name? I can't remember...) will discover that the Governor isn't as good as he appears right at first. I noticed that when Tyrese was offering to draw up the layout of the prison, she was looking less certain as the Governor and Milton left. I do think that the other two are going to stay but I hope that Tyrese and Diane leave and end up back at the prison with the others.
Although it is still compelling viewing holes in the story are starting to appear. Why didn't Maggie tell Andrea what a charming guy her boyfriend is? Makes no sense.
Although it is still compelling viewing holes in the story are starting to appear. Why didn't Maggie tell Andrea what a charming guy her boyfriend is? Makes no sense.

Because she's in a shock and she doesn't feel that anyone needs to know. Not at least Andrea, who she has no connection to any more. Why would she care? Maggie is angry and she's hurting.
She doesn't fully believe that he's bad. She's still "under his spell" as Michonne put it.

Anyway, hopefully Rick's gotten his crazy breakdown out of his system. Last episode, Hershel seemed to be talking him back and then the Governor showed up and I'm sure adrenaline was flowing, but he didn't seem all that crazy. It looks like he's kind of following Carl's advice about stepping down as a leader--he's telling Daryl to watch over things while he goes on the run.

I think Glen's biggest problem is that he wasn't able to protect Maggie from the Governor (and maybe even originally from Merle) and he doesn't know quite what to do with himself. Especially since Maggie just wants to sweep it under the rug, but I don't think either of them will be able to do that for quite awhile.

Hopefully Tyrese and Diane (was that her name? I can't remember...) will discover that the Governor isn't as good as he appears right at first. I noticed that when Tyrese was offering to draw up the layout of the prison, she was looking less certain as the Governor and Milton left. I do think that the other two are going to stay but I hope that Tyrese and Diane leave and end up back at the prison with the others.

In real life, I'm sure it's not that easy to stab someone to death. Firstly you get the feeling that he's not the kind of guy who dies easy (was he truly asleep when she stood over him? I doubt it!) Secondly, morally to kill someone whilst they're sleeping would take a certain ruthless kind of person (which I'm not sure she is), and that's before taking into account she has feelings for him.

I think that this season has had the most unexpected twists; many of the others in the first two seasons couyld be seen a mile off. Certainly didn't see that coming with Axel.
Fantastic ending with the young girl singing the Tom Waits song, "Hold On." Then the original version while the credits ran.
Not the best episode. May well be the weakest of this season. Andrea was dull, and the lack of mentioning the rape threat/torture of Maggie and Glen was strange.

I also disliked the last scene. When she pulled the knife I thought that, if she did it, that would make the episode, but if she didn't then it would just be a let-down. Which it was.

Obviously stabbing someone's not an easy thing to do, but she's been living in a world of death, quick decisions and killing for how long now?

So, in this episode we learnt that Andrea is boring and rubbish.
You said same thing about the other episode. Does it mean that you have lost an interest on this series or is there something else that bugging you? Note that at around this time there were a lot of talk about replacing the head-writer.
Aimed at me?

I haven't lost interest in the series, and liked the end of the previous episode (the Governor attacking the prison), it just feels like most of the last two episodes have been low on action/tension. A lot of this episode (or what felt like a lot) was the cast sitting in the prison remarking that they don't know what to do.

However, the series as a whole is easily my favourite, and I'll definitely be watching it to its conclusion.
When and if you read the comics, especially in the prison scene, you see them talking a great deal to each other. So much so in fact that I did ski couple of pages till I got to the point I found more interesting. But then again that can be said about everything, and every great series has had low points of when nothing happened. Yet, a great deal happened especially in character development, because if Andrea would had chosen to sit all this time in the Woodbury, she would had come so bland that she would eventually dissolved among the other support characters.

PS. In the regards of the dialogue in the comics, Alan Moore's From Hell was one of those that I couldn't read as it had so much dialogue that it didn't make any point.
I don't necessarily mind a talking scene or two, but they never seemed to do anything but go around in circles.

But, as I said, the series generally is still very good indeed.
