3.14: The Walking Dead - Prey


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
The Governor chases a dissenter who fled Woodbury. While The Governor is gone, a traitor tries to sabotage his upcoming plans.
Another great show, huh? The Gov. is really starting to lose his mind. I think the innuendo of who toasted those walkers was quite clear, but with this show, who knows? I so wished Andrea would have made it to the prison. I'm watching the talking dead right now and the actress that portrays Andrea is on it and her explanations of what her character has done makes sense.
They are really dragging out the suspense of this story arc for what will probably be a big shootout with a few characters dying, so these 'talky' episodes are great character studies. I'm looking forward to the conclusion. I still have the issue with people and zombies being able to sneak up on one another, such as the two zombie girls who walked up to Andrea hiding behind the tree and the governor sneaking up to her at the prison. Still love the show though.
** Spoilers **

Another great episode indeed. They really cranked up the tension to eleven and created such a suspense with Andrea's escape that you wouldn't believe. I was really feeling for poor woman. The stress and fear she was going through was amazing and I really didn't see the end coming. I thought she would make it. But no. The Governor is like this super villain. He's always there when you don't need him and he seem to have a plan for every turn.

God I hate him.

But then again characters like him are the reason why I keep watching this show episode after another. And I'm very glad they've managed to make this show as great as it is. Without the dedication the producers, writers and actors this series would have never got so successful. But also we should raise our hats to AMC for giving a chance for something you wouldn't have ever expected to hit the small screen.

The zombie shows has almost always been part of small like-minded people entertainment. They gathered together and went to see Romero's movies when a lot of people turned to mainstream stuff. But I'm very glad that people have opened their eyes to the horror and entertainment the walking dead has brought to the larger audience. And week after week we keep receiving not only horror but as Huttman said, character studies.

Look at Milton and Tyreese for example. What would have really known about them if the producers wouldn't had focused the lens on them and let them breath? The answer is nothing. They would just had been some faces with no real story behind them. Do you agree?
Yes, all the sub character development makes this show wonderful. I don't know how much is planned from the start or if they keep sub characters around because of popularity, but I hope this group under Rick's guidance sticks around for a while. Just an observation, that intimate scene between Maggie and Glen, well did you notice anything missing? A rubber perhaps? Not that they showed anything, but the scene did have all the steps up to the actual act with no mention of contraceptives like they have mentioned in the past. Another baby on the way? I do hope Merle behaves, too.
It's official, the Governor's lost his mind. He's a total psychopath now (not that it wasn't obvious before, but now it's right in front of everyone's faces)!

All those surprises he's got in store for Michonne, I'm a little afraid to be honest. Especially now that he's got Andrea tied up there.

Speaking of Andrea, WOW! She definitely amped things up this episode. Even though I think that she's now regretting not killing the Governor when she had the chance a few episodes ago. Although I do have to wonder why she didn't take the Governor's truck when she set those walkers on him in that building. She could have gotten to the prison that much faster and if he managed to survive (which she wouldn't have known until he grabbed her) he would have been mostly stranded.

I'm really hoping that Milton was the one who burned all those walker's because it'd mean that he's finally showing some backbone and listening to Andrea. She told him he couldn't keep turning a blind eye if he was going to stay. Although I don't understand why he stopped her from shooting the Governor. Granted it would have almost definitely spelled the end for Andrea, but the Governor would have been out of the picture and it's possible that Milton may have been able to stop Martinez from turning into another one.

When Andrea warned Tyrese and Sasha that things weren't what they appeared, I hoped they'd start to notice and then take off. Of course they noticed, but the Governor appeared and soothed their fears. Though the fact that they didn't say why Andrea was leaving makes me wonder if they fully believe him or not.

Only two episodes left this season! :(
Just an observation, that intimate scene between Maggie and Glen, well did you notice anything missing? A rubber perhaps? Not that they showed anything, but the scene did have all the steps up to the actual act with no mention of contraceptives like they have mentioned in the past. Another baby on the way?

It's very possible that might happen and I'm sure Hershel would love to have a grand-kid running around. And just because we have not seen it happening in the comics wouldn't mean that it won't happen in the small screen. But what I think is that they wanted to show the audience that there's still something going on between them two and they can forgive each other.

FireDragon-16 said:
I do have to wonder why she didn't take the Governor's truck when she set those walkers on him in that building. She could have gotten to the prison that much faster and if he managed to survive (which she wouldn't have known until he grabbed her) he would have been mostly stranded.

Well, I'd the same thought but I accept what happened as a possibility. Andrea after all is still a blond, so nicking a car probably wasn't the first thought that went through her head. But then again, who says that the Governor isn't a bit of fashionable and he removed the keys from the ignition-lock before he stepped into the abandoned factory? And who says Rick wouldn't had shot through the wind-shield if she had driven the truck to the gates of prison?

FireDragon-16 said:
I'm really hoping that Milton was the one who burned all those walker's because it'd mean that he's finally showing some backbone and listening to Andrea. She told him he couldn't keep turning a blind eye if he was going to stay.

To me it didn't look like Milton but more probably another character that we haven't seen before. The hands who wielded the petrol canister were more powerful then Milton's own hands. And thing is that Milton really reminds me of another character from the comic series.
To me it didn't look like Milton but more probably another character that we haven't seen before. The hands who wielded the petrol canister were more powerful then Milton's own hands. And thing is that Milton really reminds me of another character from the comic series.

I originally thought the person who torched the captured Biters was Allen (the guy from Tyreese's group who fought with Tyreese) in an attempt to frame Tyreese and get rid of him. But i don't think so, because Woodbury would probably exile the whole group rather than just Tyreese.
I originally thought the person who torched the captured Biters was Allen (the guy from Tyreese's group who fought with Tyreese) in an attempt to frame Tyreese and get rid of him. But i don't think so, because Woodbury would probably exile the whole group rather than just Tyreese.

The biggest problem to me is the car. It wasn't one of the hummer's and it certainly wasn't Governor's truck either as it was more like one of the jeeps that Rick's group has been using. But why Rick would do that and not announce it others unless the person was Merle.
The biggest problem to me is the car. It wasn't one of the hummer's and it certainly wasn't Governor's truck either as it was more like one of the jeeps that Rick's group has been using. But why Rick would do that and not announce it others unless the person was Merle.

I thought it was Rick's group too making a tactical move but they would never know the location of that pit. Its Milton i think because Governor, the writers wants to us think that. Its must have been one from Woodbury and Milton is starting to accept Philip is worse than he thought. He must be coming to his senses.

Rick's group dont have that kind of car and wouldnt risk their lives for something that small.
Rick's group dont have that kind of car and wouldnt risk their lives for something that small.

You're right, they don't have that kind of car. And if you look the mini-synopsis it clearly states a traitor, not some urban ninja doing sabotage work in the middle of the night. But why to hide his face?

Unless it was this lot who did it.


Although it's far stretching, in my mind it makes sense - and for the note for the people who don't know the reference, it's better that you don't try to find out. Just enjoy the wicked dialogue. ;)
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I hope for a traitor and to see more development from Woodbury. Last ep was good as you said for developing characters like Tyrese and Milton. This season has been good dealing with new characters.

Shame Andrea couldnt escape The Governor even when she wanted to she is still his "woman". I cant believe Andrea is so weak that she cant even defend her self. They should developed her shooting, dangerous side. She has become more like Maggie's little sister, something to protect and not the hardcore one that is closer to Michonne, Rick type.
I believe they are having something epic in store for her "shooting" abilities and you're right, she's at the moment a bit of weakling. But that is the thing, they are developing her further and hopefully last two remaining episodes will show something really wicked or then she's going to stay "tainted" remaining seasons compared to the actual comic.
I assumed that the arsonist was Milton - makes too much sense, and he's not a very good liar (though getting better). I do wonder however how he (or anyone else) could have taken a car out of Woodbury without any of the Governor's men knowing. Seems like that kind of thing is fairly strictly monitored, much like the weapons.

I was sorry to see Andrea captured (I assume the Governor had the keys on him as well, but it was odd that Andrea didn't even try to steal the car - surely at this point in the apocalypse someone has shown her how to hotwire...). After hating her for all of this season (and some of the last) I'm glad she has finally seen the light and turned against the Governor. I'm not sure who I want to kill the Governor more now, Rick, Michonne, Merle, Andrea, Glen...

I'm hoping Tyrese acts on his suspicions soon, and gets out of Dodge. I could see him and Milton teeming up to spring Andrea, with the four of them heading to the prison before the final showdown. Knowing this show, though, I doubt that will happen.
I assumed that the arsonist was Milton - makes too much sense, and he's not a very good liar (though getting better). I do wonder however how he (or anyone else) could have taken a car out of Woodbury without any of the Governor's men knowing. Seems like that kind of thing is fairly strictly monitored, much like the weapons.

I was sorry to see Andrea captured (I assume the Governor had the keys on him as well, but it was odd that Andrea didn't even try to steal the car - surely at this point in the apocalypse someone has shown her how to hotwire...). After hating her for all of this season (and some of the last) I'm glad she has finally seen the light and turned against the Governor. I'm not sure who I want to kill the Governor more now, Rick, Michonne, Merle, Andrea, Glen...

I'm hoping Tyrese acts on his suspicions soon, and gets out of Dodge. I could see him and Milton teeming up to spring Andrea, with the four of them heading to the prison before the final showdown. Knowing this show, though, I doubt that will happen.

Milton does make the most sense, but as Janga pointed out, the hands were wrong. They were also too light to be Tyrese. However, that kind of rules anyone else immediately since it's almost impossible for it to have been anyone from the prison. Merle's the only one who even knew about those walkers anyways. Maybe it was Ben (Allen's son)? Or maybe even Martinez, although unless they were trying to throw a complete twist in there it makes no sense.

I surprised myself completely by actually rooting for Andrea to get away from the Governor. She's really annoyed me since the end of the first season, but (while I still think they need to just get rid of her) I won't be too upset if they keep her around until the Governor's finished.

Hopefully Tyrese and Sasha get away soon, before the Governor gets into their heads. If Allen and Ben don't want to go, that's too bad, but Tyrese and Sasha really need to get away. Since they don't know that the Governor even has Andrea, it'd be kind of difficult for them to team up with Milton and rescue her, but I could possibly see them teaming up and escaping to the prison.
I didnt care much for this episode, i missed seeing Rick's group
I think I missed this episode... was it shown (last week) back-to-back with the previous episode? I hate it when they do that. I didn't realise they were doing it for the final two episodes (referring to 5* coverage) until the credits of the penultimate episode, so I was lucky to see the finale.

That said, I was confused about the opening scene in the finale and this explains why.
