
Lemming of Discord
Jun 4, 2006
Bantam have confirmed that THE WORLD OF ICE AND FIRE should be out on 29 October this year. This is a 288-page companion guide to the books, a large-format coffee table book featuring significant amounts of new artwork and vast amounts of new canon information on the world and backstory. George R.R. Martin wrote some new material for this book but otherwise only provided background notes and information. Elio Garcia and Linda Antonsson, the founders/admins of, wrote the bulk of the book drawing on GRRM's material. The book will also clarify some of the new locations revealed on last year's LANDS OF ICE AND FIRE maps.

Preview pages:

The Dawn Age.
The Children of the Forest.
The Faith Militant Uprising.
King's Landing (with auto-generated text, so not representative of the final book).
Cover art and release information:


Release date: 5 November. That's the cover art above.

So, now that this is done, what's the chances of the fat man getting to work on the next book in the series?

He hasn't stopped. The World of Ice and Fire was mostly written by Antonsson and Garcia, with GRRM stepping in to deliver notes, answer questions and write a few of the sidebars.
Well, you couldn't make it up. Elio Garcia just confirmed that The World of Ice and Fire has been delayed by a year. The publishers apparently decided to expand its size and content, particularly more art, so the book will miss its late 2013 publication date. These sort of books only really sell well at Christmas, so hence it won't be out until late 2014.

As far as I know, GRRM is not writing any more material for the book, so this should have no impact on the writing of TWoW.
That sucks, I was hoping this would be something to tide us over until Winds of Winter... if it's coming out late 2014 hopefully Winds won't be too far behind. Or am I being optimistic again?
I think a late 2015/early 2016 release for The Winds of Winter is realistic at this point. Early-to-mid 2015 is optimistic. 2014 I think is pretty much ruled out at this point, unless GRRM starts posting really positive-sounding upates with page counts of above 1,000 MS pages really soon.
Good news: all parties involved are trying to get The World of Ice and Fire out in March or April 2014, hopefully to cross-market with Season 4 of GoT.

Interesting news: GRRM wrote a lot more material for the book than planned, including much more in-depth histories than there is room for in the book. Bald summaries and concise versions of this material will be in the world book, but GRRM is now considering a 'GRRM-arillion' book which will go into much more detail on the history of Westeros and Essos.

However, the 'GRRM-arillion' will not be worked on before ASoIaF is completed, both for time-consuming reasons and also - I imagine - so GRRM can discuss things that would be spoilers for later books if revealed now.
Well, the GRRM-arillion book should be quite interesting. Glad to hear that he won't be working on it until the series is finished.
All of the text for The World of Ice and Fire is done, it has new cover art (not necessarily final) and the plan seems to be to get it out in October as planned.

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