3.16: The Walking Dead - Welcome to the Tombs

I was confused by the opening scene with Milton, but apparently that was explained in episode 14 (which I seem to have missed somehow. I can only guess 5* did a back-to-back with 13, as they did for the final two episodes).

Anyway, I think Milton's death was fitting and very well done, but must admit I'm a bit disappointed that the only scientist/historian-type character has gone. In a post-apocalyptic world men like Milton, once a viable, safe place has been established, would be invaluable.

Whilst Andrea's was well-done I couldn't help but think what a moron she was for pausing to chat (instead of doing both) rather than trying to free herself whilst Milton was still alive. I was more saddened by his death than hers, to be honest.

Initially (for the first third or so) I was really disappointed by the way it was going. Maybe the latter half should've been obvious but I was a bit surprised and pleased how that went, compared to the first half. I'm also amazed nobody killed the Governor after he went nuts.

Don't want to sound pretentiois *cough*toolate*cough* but the comparison between the Jailbirds and the Citizens reminded me a bit of the latter Roman Empire, or the Varangian Guard of Byzantium. People who lacked civilisation and the comforts and safety it brings are hard, or they die. So when those civilised people try and fight them the brutes can often win. Rick et al. have been through far more than most in Woodbury. Even Carol, perhaps the softest in the group, would still hack an enemy's head off no problem.

On old people being a hindrance: perhaps, but they may well have knowledge of medicine and farming. Whilst Rick, Daryl and so on are patrolling/looting/defending the prison the elderly could be put to use farming. Hopefully we'll get a Milton-type character to try and put together important collective knowledge. Right now, if Herschel[sp] dropped dead they'd be screwed. They need to start making everyone learn the basics of medicine and midwifery. After knife and gun skills (and maybe farming) that's critical for long-term survival.
But I do agree with you in regards to Martinez and the other guy - I don't know why on earth they didn't gun him down then, and why they meekly went along with him afterwards.
I actually think it makes sense. They have invested a lot in Woodbury and the Governor already and it is always better the devil you know. They have already killed innocent people at the behest of the Governor and believed his misinformation about Rick & Co. It would take a lot to admit to yourself that you were mistaken and everything you had done had been wrong. And they would have to question what else they would do after killing the Governor. They aren't likely to think Rick would welcome them with open arms because they wouldn't do that if the situations were reversed.

I think Milton is a different case. He had both openly and candidly questioned the Governor, and had done so more and more. He just didn't have the guts to do the right thing earlier. He was extremely weak and was the reason the Governor stayed on top for so long.
For your information I don't think Milton was the last scientist in the world as I'm pretty sure there are others who survived. So the question is when one of them is going to join Rick's party?
I enjoyed this last episode, and even though Andrea wasnt my fav character, I did think it was sad.
I felt Carl had turned too hard, and did feel sorry for Rick - after the shooting of that young lad.
It was good to see Rick take back those folks from Woodbury, he's doing the right thing, it should always be the way. Despite the likes of the Governor. I personally think he's men would of shot him in reality out of fear. So it didnt make sense to me that they didnt
