The latest newsletter from Holly Isle is all about how it's better to focus on your own creativity than gnash your teeth at other people's success.
It's a really great read, but there are a couple of great points in it:
It's a really great read, but there are a couple of great points in it:
And then a summary point:Yes, the writer of self-centered, whining, thumb-sucking, angst-ridden teenagers with undead fetishes sells a helluva lotta books.
Guess who buys them.
Self-centered, whining, thumb-sucking, angst-ridden teenagers with undead fetishes.
How would you like to go to a convention and meet five thousand of your biggest fans, only to discover that they terrify you...or that you can't stand them.
Books draw the readers they deserve. Think about that.'t waste a minute of your life saying awful things about strangers who are doing something creative that they love. If you want to read a better book than what they wrote, then dammit, WRITE a better book.