3.02: Game of Thrones - Dark Wings, Dark Words


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
Sansa says too much; Shae asks Tyrion for a favor; Jaime finds a way to pass the time; Arya encounters the Brotherhood Without Banners.

"Dark wings, dark words" is an old saying about messenger-ravens, referring to the fact that such urgently delivered messages are often bad news.

A few scenes with Arya Stark were filmed for the first episode of Season 3, but it was later decided that the episode was getting over-crowded, so all of Arya's scenes were moved to the next episode.
Yay, Arya!

Very few scenes straight from the book, again, but the original scenes were very good - in particular, Cersei and Joffrey, and Catelyn and Foreign Jeyne (seriously, I don't know her name...). In the first I couldn't work out who to hate more, and in the second we got some fantastic development of Catelyn.

The scenes with Theon made me squirm. I was watching the episode with my lunch, and I had to turn away when the dagger was forced under his fingernail.

Olenna! Spot on from Diana Rigg.

Slightly disappointed with the Brotherhood Without Banners, as I was rather looking forward to the introduction of Lem Lemoncloak, but it looks like his character has been written out entirely, with all of his scenes going to Thoros.

The fight between Brienne and Jaime was good fun.
Loved this episode, yes it's not following the book exactly but it's still great to see. I was concerned how Bron' special abilities would transfer over to film and I don't know that it's there yet but it's coming along.Great to see Arya back and also The Hound, I like both characters immensely. I loved Dianna Rigg, great choice for this character.

I have to say I started out not liking Jamie Lannister much at all but both in the books and watching season three my attitude has changed, I'm rather taken with him and think he may in the end turn out all right.

Whilst I am not a fan off Theon Greyjoy, it's not going well for him and I feel his pain.

This episode felt like 10 minutes long it went so fast.
There were some great scenes in this episode. The interaction between Joff and Marge was excellent. The look that cam across Natalie Dormer's face when she realised she was dealing with an unhinged monster was priceless and her recovery just as good. Loved the scenes with Arya (best actor in the series) and the Brotherhood.

Brienne and Jaime are the double act of this series. Mirroring the books I am enjoying watching a darker more cynical Tyrion develop. The character who offers some hope to Theon I wonder is that Ramsey playing his games.
I haven't read the books but some of the things are becoming quite obvious to me. Tyrion is either going to kill his father or then he's going escape with his lover. The Iron Granny is going to have Joffrey killed and Arya is going end up in some very, very dark place in there future.

How or when these things happen, I don't know, but to me, there's still too much things happening and I wish they could focus on couple of characters instead of flying all over the country.
My thought also Svalbard, is this Ramsey getting into Theon's head already? I think so!
I really enjoyed the episode, how could you not?

I find the deviation from the book quite refreshing, as long as the greater story is served it works quite well, keeping those that have read the books a different perspective.

The characters are all going in the right direction, Jaime is starting to turn around, Tyrion is beginning to realise that some things in him are never going to be recognised, by his father, Arya is delightful, The Iron Granny (brilliant term ctg) a perfect piece of casting, Sansa is learning too slowly, Cat is becoming deeper and Robb learning that in leadership some decisions no matter how right might also be wrong, oh and Joffrey still needs to be punched in the face.

I'm interested to see how Jaime is played out on television, his (and Brienne) were one of my favourite sequences in the book and I like the way they are playing it. Shame that he did not shave his beard and hair though.

Some interesting predictions ctg. How right or wrong remains to be seen.

Like with Mrs Perp. I do my best to keep my trap shut, other than to say there should be some big twists and turns this season.
Yes P Man it's very hard to say nothing, also given that I am the only one in my household who has read the books and they keep asking " so what happens to so and so" to why I always reply. " you don't really want to know"

The one consensus though is as you said Everyone wants to punch Joffrey, his character has no redeeming features whatsoever. But he is the person we love to hate.
I feel sorry for the actor, he's done such a good job of being despicable that he probably gets all kinds of strange looks off screen ;)
I feel sorry for the actor, he's done such a good job of being despicable that he probably gets all kinds of strange looks off screen ;)

He attends Trinity College Dublin and has said he recieves some abuse from the public. Interstingly he has also said that he has no intention of continuing his acting career after GOTs.
He attends Trinity College Dublin and has said he recieves some abuse from the public. Interstingly he has also said that he has no intention of continuing his acting career after GOTs.

That's kind of sad (both the abuse and the decision), he's done such a good job of Joff.
The Cat/Robb/Jon stuff just bores me.

The rest of it was alright. I do love Jaime and Brienne. And Loras.

Years ago since I read the books, but can't really remember what's going on with Theon. Someone remind me? Simon from Misfits was sent by his sister, is that what he said? How does his sister know where he is? (Where is he?)
That's kind of sad (both the abuse and the decision), he's done such a good job of Joff.

I think his decision not to continue acting has more to do with his desire to teach. That is what he says anyway.
Let's try and keep speculation and comparisons to the book out of these threads and in the Martin forum. Getting a little too close to spoilers here regarding Theon's current fate, even if it mostly is informed guessing at this point.

Mouse - strictly in the context of what we've seen on screen, Theon has been captured by Roose Bolton's ******* son, who Roose had sent to Winterfell on behalf of Robb. Roose reported to Robb that his son found Winterfell already burning or burnt down. I can't recall just now if Roose told Robb that Theon was a captive, however. The sweeper told Theon that Yara had sent him to rescue Theon, but it is the first we have seen of him, so we do not know how Yara may know where Theon is.

If you want more than that (ie., the book version), I'm sure you'll find more in the GRRM boards!
I think Theon's current fate is pretty obvious form what is shown on screen. Very painful!
I don't really want to get into it, but as it's already been discussed here - I was alluding to the identity of his would-be rescuer, which was speculated upon earlier. I doubt someone who hasn't read the books would make the leap that you (and I and most other readers) made, and I think it's better practice to keep this thread as spoiler free as possible, no matter how minor the spoiler may be.
Hi ctg

I pretty certain that they said that he was easy to capture because he was "drunk"
As to why he was in the forest, his intention was to get as far away from Kings Landing as possible after the battle with Stannis, or if I recall he left mid way through the battle because of his fear of fire.
Mouse - strictly in the context of what we've seen on screen, Theon has been captured by Roose Bolton's ******* son, who Roose had sent to Winterfell on behalf of Robb. Roose reported to Robb that his son found Winterfell already burning or burnt down. I can't recall just now if Roose told Robb that Theon was a captive, however. The sweeper told Theon that Yara had sent him to rescue Theon, but it is the first we have seen of him, so we do not know how Yara may know where Theon is.

Ah. Cheers, Cul.
