Editing and tightness and voice


Write, monkey, write
Mar 3, 2011
So one of the things that worried me a lot last year when I was editing was that if I tightened everything I could, I'd end up writing like someone else.

This year I'm editing again (the same thing as a matter of interest) and I am less convinced by my worries.

I thought it might be interesting to take a piece of largely unedited text and do a Workshop exercise where we each take it and edit it, and see what we end up with -- would we get basically the same thing from everyone? Would people's voices come through?

But I can't find a bit that seems suitable to me. I don't suppose anyone else has one? I thought maybe 200-300 words or around there?

And is anyone interested in the exercise, if we can find a piece of text?
This sounds familiar, didn't we do something like this once upon a time? I think you will get something vastly different from everyone.
I don't think I did...

I was interested in how different they'd be if the basic text was the same and all you were doing was editing -- so not necessarily changing lots, but tightening the language and perhaps tweaking the word choice. How different could it be?
It sounds really interesting. I'd like to take part. Why don't we pick a piece from the critique section and ask the writer if they would mind?
I'd be on for it. Or maybe, take a 300 worder, since they're sort of complete stories? Or take something from a published work, that might be interesting, but would there be copyright issues? A dead author's published work... :D
Mm I like the idea. I'm not much of an editor but I might have a scene in mind of my own, possibly.

A mysterious benefactor emailed me a couple of excerpts, so hopefully I'll get something set up tomorrow. If it's fun, we could do it with another text later?
Will I edit out a lot of this benefactor's commas?

I'll give it a go if I have time, but I think it'll be hard to "edit" without "rewriting" in our own words.
I expect so, but commas run for their lives when they see you coming with yer long, black coat and yer big comma-killin' gun. So it could be anybody. ANYBODY.

(exits to mysterious music)
I think it'll be hard to "edit" without "rewriting" in our own words.
I thought that was largely the point of the test. Am I wrong? I know that even when editing my own work i reword things (sometimes to death) so I would expect that it would be the case for others as well.
It sounds interesting, dont count me in for certain, I have a lot on my plate right now and *shirty eyes* only snuck on for a moment. But if I can wrangle enough time from my major project I'd love to give it a go.

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