Recommending The City of Silk and Steel aka The Steel Seraglio


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2008
Up the clum
Just read this from the library - recent release in UK by Victor Gollancz. The book description on Amazon UK is pretty accurate (slight spoiler in last sentence or two).

It is unusual in several ways

1. Three authors writing as a team - and it came across very smoothly.

2. The skill of the storytelling and how the PoV changes.

The storytelling is different - there is a first person character, who ties the story together as a narrator and as a participant - so some is first person, some in third PoV and some narrated. It ties together very smoothly and comes across in many ways as someone sitting there telling stories.

There is a nice edge of sharp humour in places - some definite laugh out loud moments - in the middle of a complex story that is not a comedy. Good variety of characters too.

The layout of the book is also a bit different - there is the main story, then what are effectively three novellas/large epilogues tying off various loose ends very effectively.

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