im working on creating icons for each of the pioneers of sci fi.
I need to find a single image that best represents the innovations of philip k. dick. I need to distill it down to something that can be simply illustrated as an icon.
From what i know about Philip K. Dick's work, the idea of an android and their relationship with other humans as portrayed in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" and "Blade Runner" stands out as one his most iconic ideas.
What do you think? Any input would be much appreciated.
im working on creating icons for each of the pioneers of sci fi.
I need to find a single image that best represents the innovations of philip k. dick. I need to distill it down to something that can be simply illustrated as an icon.
From what i know about Philip K. Dick's work, the idea of an android and their relationship with other humans as portrayed in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" and "Blade Runner" stands out as one his most iconic ideas.
What do you think? Any input would be much appreciated.