Dragons disquised as humans - murder mystery


Fierce Vowelless One
Apr 25, 2003
Help! I'm stuck in the forums!
I read a book - maybe ten years ago - where the dragon population mixed in with the human population by disguising themselves as humans. I remember it was a murder mystery and this detective was hired to find out the truth before all heck broke loose and dragons were outed or something. It was an urban fantasy - so was set in a close to modern day American city (I want to say something on the West Coast like San Fran but that is just a vague notion). I don't recall the author's name other than I thought it was hispanic and began with a G like Garcia, Gomez or Gonzales. I've had no luck finding it myself. Anyone else remember this book?
That isn't it either (though that is a good one). I remember that the book I'm looking for was optioned for a tv show or something like that too.

Thanks though for the try!
FOUND IT!! They aren't dragons but dinosours or somesuch. The book is Anonymous Rex by Eric Garcia! Thanks for all the help, your guesses had me searching and trying to think of additional details.

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