I thought I'd report in on this.
It has taken a little longer than I hoped, what with personal life getting in the way of things I just pushed the Raspberry aside and continued using the PC.
But I've spent the last few days playing with it again, and now have it working quite happily. (I am, in fact, typing this post on the PI at the moment).
As it stands the Raspberry is connected to the spare television in the dining room (this is where my PC normally is, so it's not much different.)
I've connected a USB hub, increasing the number of ports by three, although you more none powered stuff you have plugged in the slower the PI slows.
I have a Microsoft USB Digital Media Pro keyboard, which seem to be happy enough, but of course none of the extra media keys work (yet).
I'm using a Logitech wireless mouse. This was not my first choice as I would have preferred something wired, but it was the only thing I had at hand at the time (all my old mice were not USB) but it seems to be working quite happily.
I've also got connected a powered USB hardrive (about 30GB)
It is running on the Raspbian O/s which is based on Debian , the desktop is easy enough to use.
To access the internet it is connected by cable as opposed to wireless - it just seemed more reliable, especially with my pathetic internet speed.
I'm using Chromium to access the web, it basically Chrome for the Pi.
IceDove is my mail client - this is just Thunderbird again for Linux/Pi
And in order to do any writing I've installed Libre Office which is a free Office suite, which like a few others can access and work with various document types, including Microsoft .doc, but steals a march by being able to open and save .docx files and .pub files
As mentioned above I was challenged to download material from the newsgroups and I have succeeded. None of the programs I was familiar with worked, but I have learned about SABnzbd+ which runs quite nicely, and in some ways more efficiently than some other programs. By using a standard search for nzb files the SABnzbd+ program keeps an eye on the download folder, within 20 seconds of a new file being downloaded it opens it, stores it onto the external hard disk and downloads all associated files, then puts them together, then stores the completed article in a separate folder.
So pretty much a success.
As it stands I have a PI that could, according to theory do most of what I need it to on a basic level.
I can indirectly access my skydrive account, so I have access to documents without storing them on the memory card should I need them.
It is a bit slower than the PC, but then I'm not expecting much else, typing this though has been no different to being on the PC, any errors are down to my typing
I think I'm going to try and follow in MB's example and look into using it as a media centre...