Fantasy released 2011-2013


New Member
Jul 26, 2013
I'm looking for a fantasy book that was released between 2011-2013, its the first in its series.

It is about a sorcerer who, after accidentally killing his father when he tried to wield too much dark power, gives up his use of magic.

I seem to remember it begins with the death of the king - and the sorcerer leaving his country because he doesn't want to be involved with the ensuing politics. He goes to a far off country which is inhabited by a different race of people, where he falls in love with a girl (who is betrothed to another) who needs to be escorted to another land for safety.

The tale is about their journey, as some unknown great power tries to stop them from reaching their goal by sending controlled dead people against them. Over the course of the journey, he falls into greater and greater temptation to use his magic, and falls in love with the girl (who he finally gets with after they both get very drunk).

The first book ends with them reaching their destination, but realizing that this dark power is taking over the land, and that someone needs to lead the fight against it.

One last detail I seem to remember is that one's power is derived from different Gods (such as the Goddess of alcohol). I do believe the book had either the word 'shadow' or 'sun' in the title.
There is a book called The Shadow of the Sun (The Way of the Gods) by Barbara Friend Ish, that sounds similar to the book you described.
