How Do You Rate Stephen King's Story Collections?

Nov 28, 2012
Hi, everybody.

There are lots of SK story collections, but in this thread I'm interested in the short story collections (as opposed to novella or long story collections).

I dug out the TOC's on ISFDB, and the following five books appear to be his major short story collections:

Night Shift (1982);
Skeleton Crew (1985);
Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993);
Everything's Eventual (2002), and
Just After Sunset (2008).

I have three of these (and I can easily get the other two), and I've dipped into all of them, but it's time I took one and read it all the way through.

So my question is: in what order would you rank the above five books? I'd like to start where the King experts say. :)
Haven't read the last one yet, but on the whole I rate them quite highly.
You do get the odd story that doesn't work for you but on the whole I would say most of them rank at 4 or 5 stars out of 5.
Hope I've done this right, this is my 1st entry on this site.
Oops sorry (I'm new at this) I forgot the ratings.
They are :
1 Nightmares & Dreamscapes
2 Everything's Eventual
3 Skeleton Crew
4 Night Shift
Hope this helps.
P.S. Hi I, Brian, nice to hear from you.
P.P.S. Tried to edit 1st post but did not seem to take?
Only allowed for around 15-20 minutes - otherwise a discussion could become very confused if someone decides to suddenly rewrite one or more of their posts. :)
I read a couple of his short story collections, I know I have read Just after Sunset, and N was one of the best stories I have read. It crept me out for days after I read it...the power of words hey?
Have just finished reading "Full Dark, No Stars".
All four stories are very good, not a duff one in the bunch.
All very dark but well written and with good endings.
Also read "Just After Sunset" earlier, another excellent collection.
Highly recommend them both!!!
I remember going to my local Asda in 1982 and buying a white covered short story collection by a new author to me,'Night Shift'was my baptism of fire from the Lovecraftion rats in the walls to my still favourite King story 'sometimes they come back'
I was hooked and still can be very impressed by him,he has the ability to take the ordinary and mundain and suddenly flip it into hell.
He even plays guitar!

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