Orbit announce UK release of Hounded by Kevin Hearne

SFF Chronicles News

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
19th August 2011 04:36 PM

Kerry Butters

Orbit Books are to release Hounded, a fantasy novel by Kevin Hearne in UK paperbook next month, the first in a series of books featuring Atticus the druid.

Atticus O’Sullivan has been running for two thousand years and he’s a bit tired of it. After he stole a magical sword from the Tuatha Dé Danann (those who became the Sidhe or the Fae) in a first century battle, some of them were furious and gave chase, and some were secretly amused that a Druid had the cheek to defy them. As the centuries passed and Atticus remained an annoyingly long-lived fugitive, those who were furious only grew more so, while others began to aid him in secret.

Now he’s living in Tempe, Arizona, the very last of the Druids, far from where the Fae can easily find him. It’s a place where many paranormals have decided to hide from the troubles of the Old World—from an Icelandic vampire holding a grudge against Thor to a coven of Polish witches who ran from the German Blitzkrieg.

Unfortunately, the very angry Celtic god who wants that sword has tracked him down, and Atticus will need all his power, plus the help of a seductive goddess of death, a sexy bartender possessed by a Hindu witch, and some good, old-fashioned luck of the Irish to kick some arse and deliver himself from evil.

About the author:

Born and raised in Arizona, Kevin got hooked on superhero comic books at an early age. He attended college at Northern Arizona University, earning a degree in English Education. It was during this time that he first got the writing bug, he worked for the college newspaper both as an editorial cartoonist and as a feature columnist, and started a novel that he never finished featuring frogs and a junior high principal.

After much rejection, Hounded finally went to auction and was ironically bought by the same publishing house that Kevin had sent it to in the first instance. Kevin wrote Hexed in five months and Hammered in six to accommodate the back-to-back release schedule. He’s currently at work on his fourth book in The Iron Druid Chronicles, Tricked, plus a complete revision of his epic now that he’s learned a few things.

Mass Market Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Orbit Books (September 2011)
Language English

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