District 9 banned in Nigeria

SFF Chronicles News

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
21st September 2009 04:33 AM

David Allen

There have been many talking points regarding the exciting new film District 9; we have aliens landing on earth, segregation and now for insulting the President of Nigeria.

This is the reason for this is because in the sci fi film Nigerians have been portrayed as being gangsters and cannibals.

But to make thing even worse for the producers is that some high up officials in the Nigerian government feel that the name of the top Nigerian gangster in the film called Obesandio, actually resembles the name of the ex president of Nigeria, Obasanjo.

As such the Nigerian Minister of Information has demanded an apology from the filmmakers and the distributor Sony, not only that, he wants the gangsters name and character edited out from the film, otherwise District 9 is likely to be banned from the country.

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