Fringe takes on too much Sci-Fi

SFF Chronicles News

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
18th September 2009 04:26 AM

David Allen

As the second series of Fringe, starts in the US there are some views that the show flirts too much with science fiction, which is strange because there are millions of fans out there that think that Fringe is just that, a science fiction series.

The series is about fringe science, which is, as the title would suggest about the science that goes on around the edges of what we consider normal. There are even real government departments that work on the subject in order to find new sciences and solutions.

So the fact the Fringe uses a lot of science fiction should not as much surprise considering that is why most of the viewers actually watch the show and cannot wait for the new series to start. Bring on the science fiction element of the show, it is what the fans watch it for.

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