Terminator Four producers survive

SFF Chronicles News

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
14th September 2009 04:35 AM

David Allen

Terminator Salvation has taken on a new meaning for the producer behind the film at least, as they have managed to survive bankruptcy with a judge freeing up some cash to help the duo behind the production company Halcyon Co.

The firm found itself at the mercy of advisors, investors and financial offers; Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek had placed a value of the newly acquired Terminator franchise at $70 million, despite acquiring it for $30 million.

Yet last month the firm had a bank balance of just $5,500 and this would hardly pay for the firms monthly costs. Fortunate the judge at the bankruptcy hearing awarded the firm tax refunds worth well over $2 million, the Terminator firm survives for a short while longer it seems.

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