Judge Dredd script finished

SFF Chronicles News

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2013
10th September 2009 04:40 AM

David Allen

Judge Dredd has not been on the big screen since Sylvester Stallone played the part back in 1995 this was a big film but did not please everyone and any attempt to bring Dredd back would need to be special, either by storyline or the special effects needed to bring the film alive.

It seems that there is a major collaboration coming together, with 2000AD and Rebellion looking to team up with the legendary Danny Boyle and his company DNA Films to have a go at the film, DNA are also contracted to Fox Searchlight, so if they cannot bring this together then who can.

All that is needed now is a good script, fortunately according to “Twitter” Ales Garland has finished the draft script, he has worked with Danny Boyle in the past on the Beach, Sunshine and 28 Days Later.

It looks as if Judge Dredd will be reaching the cinemas sometime during 2012 if all goes according to plan.

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