Time travel in a lift/elevator


New Member
Oct 24, 2013
Hi there! I read a book years ago about a chap who took a witness way, way into the future to hide her from the perpetrators of a crime. The time machine was like an elevator/lift and, you arrived at your destination and the doors opened in the same place, different time. Long shot I know but, I can but hope...Thank you! :)
Sounds a lot like Asimov's 'The End of Eternity' to me. The time-travel 'kettles' travelled up and down a virtual shaft, like a lift and the taking a woman into the far future part fits, too.
The End of Eternity you say? Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I'll give it a try...I am a BIG Asimove fan and, I bet it's hidden away on my bookcase somewhere! ;-) Thanks, I'll let you know! :)
