4.04: The Walking Dead - Indifference


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
While on a supplies mission to a local college, members of the group run into multiple hurdles. Things at the prison are getting worse.
That could be the synopsis for every second episode! Except for the last sentence, which is pretty much the synopsis for every episode since the start of last season!
I'm sorry Culhwch. It's what they have given out and I didn't feel creative enough to change it. I just simply don't know enough about this season plotlines to make an educate guess. But I'll try to make a better next week.
It wasn't a criticism at all, ctg! I know it's just what you pull from the web - and trust me, I have no expectations that you should do any differently! It just struck me as humourous, is all...
*** Spoilers ***

Oh man, it is so hard to live in the world, where there are few morals left and those that you have doesn't actually make a good compass. They don't point you in the right direction. Not, if you're Ricktanator, and you try to find a best choice from all the bad choices you can make.

How many there can be, before you realise that something has to give in and the morals you chose to carry has roots in the yesteryear? How can Rick justify what he has just done, when at the end, he's not much better than the people he has let go!

Carol isn't Shane, and even though I understand she committed double murder, she came clean about them and didn't try to hide them at the end. In fact, she were willing to face the consequences at front Tyreese and still pull her weight for the greater good, she had to go unlike Bob, who were willing to sacrifice whole group for a bottle.

Morals, yesterday ideologies doesn't have a place in camp of survivors but yet they all live with them. They live with indifferences in their heart instead of ditching them in the gutter and learning to live in reality.

Some could even say in the world full of crazies one man with a sanity is considered to be maddest of whole punch.

Do you agree?
How can Rick justify what he has just done, when at the end, he's not much better than the people he has let go!

Do you agree?

Was that your question? I'm not sure as there could be several there. I think Rick doesn't agree with Carol but can clearly see her valid point of view. So, he is not punishing her, he doesn't wish to punish her. He is only protecting her from the others. Tyreese would kill her if he knew; he is already unstable. Some of the others would probably form a jury and judge and decide the same but after moral deliberation. And when the Flu is over, people will certainly begin to investigate. So, he is letting her go.

My own thoughts were what would Daryl do? Would he protect Carol if he knew? What will he do when he gets back and she is gone? He will certainly ask why. That will prevent Rick covering it up. If Rick wanted to avoid taking sides then he cannot. Will Daryl go after Carol?

Bob - I was expecting some more complex back-story for him, rather than him being an alcoholic. I though that was a little two-dimensional.

The result of last week's debate here about the reason for the horde of Zombies on the road now seems in doubt. That building doesn't look like the college they eventually found, and even if it was, it was too far away to explain them. So, that question still stands, I think.
My own thoughts were what would Daryl do? Would he protect Carol if he knew? What will he do when he gets back and she is gone? He will certainly ask why. That will prevent Rick covering it up. If Rick wanted to avoid taking sides then he cannot. Will Daryl go after Carol?

This is the most interesting thing to me. I don't think Darryl is going to take it well at all. Though it's funny how protective he has become of the community - his collecting the stone for someone's grave marker was a nice little touch. He might side with Rick on this. But I think his bond with Carol may be too strong. I also doubt we've seen the last of Carol. Maybe she'll hook up with the Governor...

Bob - I was expecting some more complex back-story for him, rather than him being an alcoholic. I though that was a little two-dimensional.

Indeed. Rather underwhelming. But set up for redemption perhaps?

The result of last week's debate here about the reason for the horde of Zombies on the road now seems in doubt. That building doesn't look like the college they eventually found, and even if it was, it was too far away to explain them. So, that question still stands, I think.

I thought this was strange, too. I feel like it has to be significant (the horde, the building, or more likely both) or else why bother.

Also interesting that some of the zombies at the college had been infected with the dreaded virus. Which I guess means they would be only recently turned - so there were likely survivors there not so long ago...
What would Daryl do? Well it's obvious he's going to go bat sh*t crazy and grab his crossbow before he drives towards the sunset to find his lover. And then we will see his ending in the hands of zombies as he has become way too cool for this show to remain as a stable cast member.

Thing is that he should understand why Rick did what he did, but in the same time he is still the same person, who left the Prisoners on their own and chose to stay with his brother. So you can expect him to throw up his arms and saying few words instead of understanding that Rick chose to save Carol from a hammer-time. And its Tyreese who has gone bonkers.

You see him continuing dwelling in his memories and letting people down as if he's truly a broken man with a bleeding heart. He doesn't care if there's a zombie at front of him because maybe that way he'll get to see Karen in heaven. And to be honest he is much more dangerous in that state then Bob and his bottle.

At least Bob can fix his mental state by soaking it with hard spirits. And he's not denying it. He is an alcoholic, where as many other people haven't gone in same position even though you could expect everyone getting hilariously drunk at the evenings with all them dead people dwelling around.

So it was no surprise to me to see an empty can of window cleaner at floor of garage as for centuries people has used alcohol to escape the reality. A place, where there is no hope, but eventual death and then a return as one to sunk your gnawers in the people you love.

And that is what I see went around Rick's mind when he chose to drive Carol away from their little community. He wanted to give her a chance to live for another day. There are no additional people, just a massive number of zombies coming through that prison gate.

The hoard will reach them eventually. It's a fact I expect to come reality in the mid-season final. They have no choice but accept the fact that the prison is an insecure place for all of them.
Yep, I thought that (the lack of replies) was going to happen, but here's Melissa McBride talking to EW about Carol:
So, of course the big question is: Will we see Carol again?
McBRIDE: I can’t say for sure one way or the other. I hope we do. I hope that’s not the last of her, but you know the way this show is. I don’t know. It’s unpredictable. The show is unpredictable. And we always think, well, if we don’t see them die on camera, there’s always a possibility. And then we do see them die on camera and sometimes they still come back, so who knows?
'Walking Dead': Melissa McBride on Carol's fate | Inside TV | EW.com
Rick was absolutely correct in his decision to expel Carol and Daryl's group were wrong in allowing the alcoholic dude to stay. There is no place for weak links in this new world, they endanger the greater group. As do the actions of Tyresse. His suicidal, recklessness should not be indulged.
There is no place for weak links in this new world, they endanger the greater group. As do the actions of Tyresse. His suicidal, recklessness should not be indulged.

I agree. He is suicidal and really sad on losing his lover. In the comic world this is what happened, when his daughter was shot:




What happened next I cannot say as it might still happen in the series, but maybe this was what Carol imagined, when she decided to snuff those two lives.
Thanks for posting that, ctg. I can understand Carol's mindset, but from Rick's pov her ruthlessness makes her far more dangerous than Shane ever was. As he said he has to think about Carl and his daughter. I also do not think he had made his mind up until after the meeting with the young couple in the house. Her callous behaviour at that junction was the tipping point for Rick.
Yeah. There was certainly something going on in the young couple house* and it might has been as well he was thinking are they going end up dead in Carol's hands. So he did setup a test to see what she was about, as we've seen Rick doing that with Shane, in their trips through the forest and in the flashback patrol car scenes.

* a generous nod towards the project zomboid from the producers.
To my mind , Rick is reasserting his authority. What carol did was probably the right thing to do, but done without his permission; same as she did teaching the children how to kill zombies.

Is it Ricks place to expel a member from the group? Well if he was still the recognised leader, yes; but at the moment he isn't. What he is doing is saving the group a dificult decision, and probably saving her life from the vengeful Tyresse. Perhaps he is also wanting to keep Daryl with the group instead of going off with Carole; there's nothing to suggest that he will tell them the truth.

Interesting that Carole mentions not wanting to leave the children behind, but not her lover; still,she knows where the prison is and can go back for him. But I think that she's grown cold hearted enough to want to make it on her own.

As for the unlucky couple, another reminder of people who don't have groups or communities being bumped off, but a little too contrived for me. Just 2 zombies in open space, and her with a pistol? She's survived long enough, but within minutes of meeting Rick she's dead. And why would her severed leg be so far away from her body? Zombies don't have a habit of dragging bodies away. Seemed very contrived to me.

I can't understand why Daryl's group wouldn't have wanted to leave the same way that they had entered the building; they're getting quite used to surviving in zombie-packed buildings. Quite why they would be following the exit signs rather than backtracking to the (presumably safe) way they had entered the building I really do not know.

It was interesting to see the contrast between the two groups though. Firstly Daryl allowing two members to stay, onewho had put the group at risk on several occasions. Perhaps he doesn't feel that it's his place to make those kinds of decisions or perhaps he's too kind hearted. Personally I don't believe rock had any intention of bringing Carole back to the group; he just wanted to get her far enough away before telling her. He may have even made his mind up when he found out from his son abouther teaching the kids. He can see his son going down a similar cold-blooded path and maybe wants to send him a message; the thing is that Rick is just as ruthless as Carole, but he hides behind his group leader rather than admitting it
