4.05: The Walking Dead - Internment


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
Assorted enemies pressure Rick and the group; the survivors and the prison may reach a breaking point.

*** Spoilers ***

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do." - Helen Keller

I am sure something like that went through Hershel's mind, when he pulled Cell Block A door open and set his foot into the place Maggie saw as death trap. But that was his decision, to help people who couldn't really help themselves. Not in the condition they were in and it was right for him to do so, because if he wouldn't everyone would had end up dead sooner than later.

There's no doubt about that, and I'm also sure some of you were tearing your hair and shouting at the screen, when the dead shuffled out from the cells and opened their mouth to release a ghastly howls. And I'm glad for them doing so, because if the walkers would be completely silent, they would be so deadly. You just could not know when they are behind you before you'd feel their fingers grasping your shoulders and then just as you'd turn over their choppers would close around your jugular.

I'm also glad they are not the fastest creatures around as I were holding on my bandanna, when Hershel decided to lure away the monsters and shoot them outside the sight of dear children. Surely that could be classified as madness but as the coin has the other side, maybe he were trying to save the girls from becoming something like Carl.

And like it has been said before Carl doesn't have a luxury of being a child any more, nor does he want it. What he wants is to be recognised as an adult even though there's still many years to the point where he's legally one. But in the world of The Walking Dead there is no luxury of having such a things as mostly what humanity has developed in, is what we had few centuries ago. Back then nobody would had seen him as a child soldier but a young man taking hold of the responsibilities suited for the adults.

So when Rick gave gun back to him, he did it because he really didn't had a choice and it was a correct decision, even if in his head he should be trying to give Carl as childhood he once had. But maybe that is also a blessing in a disguise as he developing awesome finger dexterity with the fondle slaps and smart phones. Instead he's learning skill that allows him to live off the land.

Do you agree?

PS. Five stars for most tensile episode in the this season so far. I'm also wondering what's going to happen now that the Governor is back, lurking at the other side of the fence. Also I also think he was the one, who has kept feeding rats to the lurkers.

I'm not convinced that it's the Governor feeding the rats. I don't see what he hoped to achieve through that. The rat-feeder is obviously inside the prison - and while I'm not discounting the possibility that the Governor can get in and out of the prison, merely feeding the zombies in the hope of them pushing down the fence seems a little lame. Why not just cut a couple of holes in the fence, and let the zombies wander through. Why not destroy food supplies, poison the water, kill random people mysteriously, kidnap Judith or Carl, instill fear in a hundred other ways? Sneaking in the feed the zombies rats just seems a little beneath him. I think it was probably the creepy little girl, who did nothing but become creepier in this episode.

Loved the moment between Darryl and Hershel at the end. Just perfect. Hershel really has grown on me, after a pretty bad start (that goddamn barn, Hershel!). The writers deftly (frustratingly?) delayed the big Rick-Darryl-Tyrese conversation as well.

Now that Doc Caleb is gone, I'm thinking my prediction about their setting Bob up for redemption might be a little more possible. I can see him becoming the new town doctor. Or he could die next ep. You never know with this show...
Why not just cut a couple of holes in the fence, and let the zombies wander through. Why not destroy food supplies, poison the water, kill random people mysteriously, kidnap Judith or Carl, instill fear in a hundred other ways? Sneaking in the feed the zombies rats just seems a little beneath him. I think it was probably the creepy little girl, who did nothing but become creepier in this episode.

I understand what you're saying but I would ask, why he would need to risk his hide and reveal himself by sneaking all the way inside the prison to kidnap, harm, ruin and sabotage whatever, if you can mask your activities by mindless zombies?

Don't you wonder why everyday there seem to be more and more zombies in the gates even though they regularly dispatch whole lot of them?

Although I suspect it would be easier to just accept they wander through the woods and converge at the fence, because they sense living inside. It would be as easy to accept the Governor is capturing them in his pits, and using his knowhow, he hauls them in them strategic locations, where the zombies has few ways to go anywhere else than the prison.

But I accept it might have been the kid, just I don't understand what makes Lizzie so creepy to you? She's sweetly innocent and she was very brave on trying to lure Henry after her. But I would have rather let her go waste than seeing Hershel getting bitten, even if it would be a sweet image of seeing her playing with the toothless zombie at the yard, as if Henry were a replacement puppy.

Loved the moment between Darryl and Hershel at the end. Just perfect. Hershel really has grown on me, after a pretty bad start (that goddamn barn, Hershel!).

Hershel is like a daddy now. He has taken the old man role from Dale, and I can only suspect he is going to go either for a longer run then Dale or he is going to get wasted in this season. And just like Dale, he is providing the group that bit of wisdom they wouldn't have otherwise even if it's really scary to see him hesitating on killing the zombies. To us and pretty much whole lot of them, they are just faceless, mindless beings, but to him, they're people. With names and memories.

How he hold it all up so well is a big mystery to me, when he could be as well a big sack of tears and misery. The bible with its myriad number of stories of resilience might give him a comfort, but even then, the biblical figures didn't had to face endless years of dead people.

The writers deftly (frustratingly?) delayed the big Rick-Darryl-Tyrese conversation as well.

Indeed they are. :)

Now that Doc Caleb is gone, I'm thinking my prediction about their setting Bob up for redemption might be a little more possible. I can see him becoming the new town doctor. Or he could die next ep. You never know with this show...

Indeed you don't. Doctor S was a big thing to the survivors. He was one of them people, who you simply cannot find from the wasteland that easily. And knowing there might be other as devastating diseases, injuries coming around the corner trusting your faith to a man, who is banishing his ghosts with a spirits doesn't fill you with a great deal of confidence. Does it?

He might be in a path of redemption, but then again, he might be as well be heading towards eternal damnation.
I think that the Govenor is directing the zombies towards the prison somehow, otherwise why would they congregate there? Come to think of it, the prsion seems to be in a rather remote area, so where are they are coming from? As we have seen, they don't tend to wander around unless noise from live humans attracts them, so there has to be a reason; perhaps they are being hereded into trucks and driven there. Seems a very dangerous game for little reward, but if the zombies destroy the outer defences then start to erode the confidence and stamina of Rick's group, then attacking them will be much easier.

I don't think that he is feeding them (once the zombies are at the fences, they're not going anywhere), but now you come to mention it, the girl who likes zombies probably IS. I do wonder though if the disease is somehow the Govenor's work; perhaps he'll come to the rescue using medical supplies as an olive branch, and worm his way back in?
The best episode in a couple of series. I thought it was really powerful delivering on excitment and emotion. Would anyone know the name of the band whose song was played when Hershel was moving the body.
The best episode in a couple of series. I thought it was really powerful delivering on excitment and emotion. Would anyone know the name of the band whose song was played when Hershel was moving the body.

Was wondering this myself... :)
I read your analyses with interest. Cutting a hole in the fence would only let a few in, allowing them to build up to that level should have been sufficient to wipe the group out. I said that I couldn't believe the Governor would have done nothing all this time, so he could well be the one who has left the rats. It still seems too calculating for him to me though. I thought he was too angry to plan something long-term like that.

The Daryl-Rick conversation may not be all it is cracked up to be. Rick spared Carol. He explained it to Maggie and she understood. I can still see Daryl going off to find Carol though. Just at the point they will need him.
