Fascinating insight from a child


Certified zebra
Staff member
Nov 26, 2009
On my other board, the mom of an 8-year-old who likes to write posted his account of the creative process (she said I could post it here):

I’m at school doing a worksheet and I see something in my mind, and an intense moment processes through me which causes me to lose my mind, and the story over takes me, takes place in my body and kicks my mind out. I run around as I absorb the creative shock, I can then sit back down to go back to my school work after the creative shock goes through me. There are times I didn’t even realize I got up and ran around. My memory works really well because I remember the whole story and I can dictate it to you later. It hits me like that – I absorb the story. Then, I come back to reality and continue working – my story is saved for later, absorbed in my memory. And I might not be able to get it down for awhile but, in the meantime, I can absorb more creative shocks to my story until it becomes a storyline. And the storyline doesn’t come in order… it often doesn’t come to me in any kind of order, I have to put the puzzle together later. When I solve that puzzle I say, “okay it’s time to write this story.” That’s what happens, that is how it works. How does it work for you?
(She says his teacher probably enjoys his creative shock -- not!) :D
from the mouth of a grade three student ...
its a bit like listening to a young mozart talk about creating music, isn't it..? astonishing, really.
how do you think he does it..? i am curious about the process...
does he know how to type or does he (as he has said) dictate his work?
if he dictates, is it through dragon naturally speaking or is it actual dictation... where his mother transcribes it for him.
its difficult enough for us lot.. i wonder how that little boy does it..
Not absolutely sure what he means by "creative shock" but I certainly remember "losing my mind." That is, having no idea of what is going on in class, or even that I am in class, because my mind is off in some other universe. That was happening by at least 4th grade. I guess it's something you're born to.
does he know how to type or does he (as he has said) dictate his work?
if he dictates, is it through dragon naturally speaking or is it actual dictation... where his mother transcribes it for him.

I believe he has some degree of dysgraphia, where it's painful to write, and his mother does transcribe for him, at least at home. I lose track of details, one child to another on this board, but he may have some typing accomodations at school. I don't think his teacher would transcribe for his stories, since I'm sure she'd rather he was doing something else. :) He probably has to wait until he gets home to have the stories written down, which is why he has to keep it all in his head so well!

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