3/5 stars
Although it has the same characters and universe (multipleuniverses really) as Eon, the first book in the trilogy, this is really quite adifferent book. In some respects it was better than that first book, in othersworse.
I found this book was much less confusing than Eon; itmanaged to make the whole Hexamon society much more understandable andaccessible. In Eon I felt I was being bombarded by too much new stuff all thetime and this made the book and certainly my recollections of it more than alittle confused. Eternity, on the other hand, is somehow much easier to follow,though the plot itself is no less complex. I also found myself getting closerto the characters than I ever did in Eon (even though many of them are thesame!).
My main complaint with Eternity was its pacing which I foundvery poor. The first half to two thirds of the book I found very slow and itreally dragged. The latter part of the book did redeem it though, and was verygood. I struggled a little bit with the Gaia sections which were inevitablyvery different to the other parts of the books and it always felt like a bigswitch moving between those sections and the others and yet despite this Ithink I ended up liking those sections the best. Go figure.
All in all not an excellent book, but a good enough one forme to read the third at some time in the future.