writers cheesecloth

Mr Orange

Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb...
Jun 17, 2013
Noo Zillund
right so i have a bit of a problem (i'll get to the thread title in a second)

in my latest WIP (a YA urban fantasy), i have felt my interest waning for a while, and the ideas have been gradually slowing until this week when i hit what i can best describe as writers cheesecloth...

it wasn't a full on block, but it was like the story was held securely inside cheesecloth and all i was getting out was a dribble of watery story curds... to the extent that the last three or so chapters were written in basic outline form only and i just can't think of how to flesh them out. or maybe i just don't want to.

i have another WIP to rewrite so was thinking of leaving this one until the new year, but i'm afraid i will completely lose interest in it if i do that... the urban fantasy needs some serious world building as i think i have several contradictions in it due to not knowing the rules of the world i was creating. i also think this has led to the ending being unsustainable...

not sure exactly why i'm posting this, but let's say i'm asking for advice as to whether i should plow back into this story now and try to squeeze something of substance through the cloth, or let it mature until next year...
This is something I experienced a lot while writing my fantasy, though I never actually lost interest in it, just lost patience with the process. My tactic was to leave it on hold for a week or so at a time while I went back and edited earlier stuff, in order to allow my subconscious to do some work. If that still didn't produce a breakthrough then I'd sit and try and plot things through logically.

A lot depends on how much you want to write this work. If your interest is waning, it may be a sign that you're better off leaving it for a lot longer and trying something new or different to invigorate the writing muscles. Then when you come back to it, you might be able to resolve the apparent contradictions and your enthusiasm will return. Or it could be your sub-conscious is telling you these issues can't be resolved and you're better off leaving it for good. Having a break from it will help you see which it is.
cheers TJ

i think a lot of the frustration/loss of interest has come about because i didn't worldbuild before i started, which means as i have been writing it i've had several "oh crap that can't happen because it a) makes no sense or b) contradicts something i wrote earlier or assumed about the world somewhere else.

on the other hand, whilst the above is affecting the story itself, i am actually looking forward to sitting down and now creating the world... and in doing this i think the story will rewrite itself markedly...

edit: this is the first time i have written something not based in the real world we all know and love so the first time i have really had a world to build
I really struggle to write without a strong outline and a good comprehension of the world I am writing about. In that freer form, I think it's still best to know two things: your thematic concept and your ending. Make sure the ending supports the thematic concept, and when you're stuck in the chapters, figure out what needs to happen to support the same. (Kinda the opposite of having characters drag you around on a leash, which has never worked for me.)
Thanks glister. I think this wip is getting shelved till after Christmas to let it breathe
Most of my first drafts resemble this. It's like I can't shape the story until I have forced a draft out and it often be omes very, very drafty and hard to wade through. I force to the end in draft form and then find when I return all is clearer. :)
i'm hoping it will be clearer when i go back to it springs.

it's reassuring to know this happens to thers as well
Oh do I know the feeling...

Build the world, that would be my advice but you're already doing that.

My tactic is to create a world, know your major sign posts (Gasius Waste is going to blow up the world! Can Plucky Perkins stop him?!) and then let your characters flop around. Have room for manoeuvre but also a clear goal so you can get the draft done.

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