4.08: The Walking Dead - Too Far Gone


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
After things begin to calm at the prison, Rick and the group face imminent danger.


This is the mid-season final episode, and for the comic lovers I recommend reading couple magazines starting from the number #43.
*** Spoilers ***

What, I thought at the moment, when the previously happened recaps ended and the Governor rolled in to capture Hershel and Michonne. And immediately afterwards it turned to NO. This series is doing the same thing to me as what the comics has done previous, and as they claimed, the audience doesn't know who's going to go. Everyone in the cast has their head are on the chopping block. Nobody's safe. Not even Rick.

But what I would like to say at this point is that the TV adaptation in this season is much, much closer to the original comic runs even if some things are deliberately different. And just like it is with the comics some scenes are weaker than the others, even if the whole magazine or the episode ends up being brilliant.

In this one, the weakest moment - IMHO - was, when Rick finally delivered the news about Carol to Daryl. And even though I expected him (Daryl) going ape sh*t crazy and start trashing the place, before heading out on a desperate search for his lover, he goes with Rick to have a chat with Tyreese. Why?

Maybe the reason can be found from the way the episode had been written as at the moment they're going to say to Mr T about the things they hear: "BOOM." Out of the window goes very cleverly placed hint about the rat-feeder and in comes with the saddest scene from whole season: Michonne and Hershel on their knees at front of the Governor wielding her sword over their heads.

My heart jumped in my throat as I clapped my mouth to muffled a desperate no. Those two are among my favourite characters in the whole series, especially Hershel with his fatherly remarks. He survived through so many ordeals that could have killed him, or worse, as he could had easily ended up as an zombie in order to ravage someone else in the series.

At least in this way he didn't end up doing that, as I'm positive that the Governor made sure - in his mad moment - that his detached head couldn't take a chomp on anyone. Not even on his new people, who he so brilliantly claimed to protect from all harm. But then again how brilliant was Rick as he bled his heart out to the Governor's new people, and for a moment I thought they were going to turn, and the series would have continued rolling in the prison. But no, of course the couldn't happen.

So, just like I've said before: there's no hope for the survivors in the world of the walking dead. Things that has been peaceful will end looking like a war zone sooner than later. In this one, it started with a swing of sword and ended with a click of hammer, when Lilly revenged the death of her daughter. I mean, would she'd known about the Governor's murky past, she would have never accepted letting that man in her house, or that matter, in her bed. However, as brilliant as Philip was on lying things she believed his claim completely, when the Walker or Biter finally fell on the river. And not for a moment I thought she could had even guessed there were one lying dormant Meghan's playground.

When it put his rotten fingers around her shoulders I knew Meghan would end up like the previous daughter. Of course that didn't happen. And I'd like think some of you also thought, when the Governor put a bullet through her brain, he would had slaughtered all his people there and then. But no, the sheep roll the tank through the fences, up the hill, while the all-so-magnificent Governor stays hiding behind the lines, while the troops trod towards the enemy fire as if they were soldiers in the fields of Flanders at 1918.

How mad is that?

Technicalities aside I think I have said enough as I'd like to leave something for you to say. In my mind this episode was absolutely brilliant, and definitely standing among the best in the series. Yeah?

[Daryl] goes with Rick to have a chat with Tyreese. Why?
That did seem odd. Also, that rat was not dissected by Carol, so that puzzle with the rats will never be explained now.

The children that Carol trained, saved them all! How ironic is that?

The baby got eaten! I think that was a bit grotesque but difficult to shock anymore when you have a cast turnover like this show does.
That did seem odd. Also, that rat was not dissected by Carol, so that puzzle with the rats will never be explained now.

The children that Carol trained, saved them all! How ironic is that?

The baby got eaten! I think that was a bit grotesque but difficult to shock anymore when you have a cast turnover like this show does.

While he was angry that Carol was gone, I think Daryl realized that Rick was making sense and that if he'd been in Rick's position he may have eventually come to the same conclusion. To me, Daryl's biggest problem was the fact that he didn't get to say good-bye. As resistant as he was to her attempts at flirting, he really liked her and she was one of the first people that got a real look at who Daryl was as a person versus just a redneck.

I think we just might get to find out about the rats once the group gets back together. It wasn't Carol, but in my house the general consensus is that it was possibly Bob, we're not entirely sure.

At least Carol's thought process sort of paid off...by teaching the kids about knives during story time she gave them the ability to have the confidence to protect themselves.

Don't say that about Judith, you don't know for sure! There was a lot of blood, but that could mean any number of things. With the group scattered like they are, you can't really know where anyone is or even who they're with. Maybe someone got Judith out of her car seat and the blood was from someone passing by...

Anyway, now we have to wait until February 9th for it to come back *sighs heavily*
Dave said:
The children that Carol trained, saved them all! How ironic is that?
At least Carol's thought process sort of paid off...by teaching the kids about knives during story time she gave them the ability to have the confidence to protect themselves.

Very Ironic Dave, and Firedragon is absolutely right, her teachings went into their backbone and they showed some teeth, whereas many adults generally went other way. Also most ironic moment was that they managed to kill two people with three shots, whereas Rick couldn't even put a cap in the Governor's head from ten meters. Pathetic!

Would I had been directing the fight it could had gone very differently, but then again that would also mean I'd one of the survivors, and that wouldn't be good. Not for an interweb addict. :D

Dave said:
The baby got eaten! I think that was a bit grotesque but difficult to shock anymore when you have a cast turnover like this show does.
Firedragon-16 said:
Don't say that about Judith, you don't know for sure! There was a lot of blood, but that could mean any number of things. With the group scattered like they are, you can't really know where anyone is or even who they're with. Maybe someone got Judith out of her car seat and the blood was from someone passing by...

Indeed, they didn't kill Judith but put her in the unknown slot as when I saw that scene that was my immediate thought. But I have to admit I was quite horrified when the girls dragged the baby out from the confined space in the middle of the ground full flying bullets. What on earth was going in their head? However, thing is, they could have put her in the bus or given her to some other adult and the blood was from some other person. So, we don't know until we know for sure.
WOW, this was a powerful episode and what a way to finish the mid season, bloody hell! Anyone that was getting tired of the prison or the recent focus on the governor really got what they wanted out of this episode AND THEN SOME!

A rewatch is in order.
That did seem odd. Also, that rat was not dissected by Carol, so that puzzle with the rats will never be explained now.

The children that Carol trained, saved them all! How ironic is that?

The baby got eaten! I think that was a bit grotesque but difficult to shock anymore when you have a cast turnover like this show does.

I saw the baby seat was empty with blood on it. I did not go to sleep thinking the baby got eaten. i think someone with a bloody hand snatched the baby and its on the bus somewhere. I believe Carol will reunite with the dispersed group. Rick and Carol will kiss and make up. Whats up with all the British lead roles?:D
I saw the baby seat was empty with blood on it. I did not go to sleep thinking the baby got eaten. i think someone with a bloody hand snatched the baby and its on the bus somewhere.

That's what they didn't wanted to happen. The series didn't want to get stamped as the one, where they killed a baby. Hence she's in the limbo and if the rumours really start to hurt the series then maybe they'll bring her back, but at the moment they're better off without her.
My theory is that the children stashed Judith and after they saved Tyreese they went back for her. I remember Tyreese yelling at them that they were going in the wrong direction. I really hope I'm right. I'd hate it if the little asskicker was killed.
I'm sure the child will have survived,

The thing is - did the Governor? If he is definately dead why didn't they show it?
Just caught up with this episode - Ah, heartbreaking. I too think that Lil' Asskicker is probably safe and well and stashed away with another part of the group (I really hope so) and I did spend much of the ep shouting "OH JUST SHOOT THE GUVNOR IN THE FACE ALREADY!"
Great episode - can't believe I have to wait till February now for the next one...

The thing is - did the Governor? If he is definately dead why didn't they show it?

I wanted Michonne to cut his head off, but sadly that wasn't to be. I don't see how he could be alive, though. All of his peeps were dead, obviously even if his GF didn't shoot him at the end (and I can't fathom why she wouldn't have) I don't think she was going to help him escape, and he didn't seem in a state where he could have avoided the descending horde.

If he comes back it'll be a bit much, I think...
Great episode - can't believe I have to wait till February now for the next one...

I wanted Michonne to cut his head off, but sadly that wasn't to be. I don't see how he could be alive, though. All of his peeps were dead, obviously even if his GF didn't shoot him at the end (and I can't fathom why she wouldn't have) I don't think she was going to help him escape, and he didn't seem in a state where he could have avoided the descending horde.

If he comes back it'll be a bit much, I think...

The question is why didn't we see him die? The series isn't shy about showing graphical violence, so there is obviously a plot device going on here. I think at the very least he'll come back as one of the walking dead.
The question is why didn't we see him die? The series isn't shy about showing graphical violence, so there is obviously a plot device going on here. I think at the very least he'll come back as one of the walking dead.

That is true. He might come back as one of the walkers but if there is anything, I'd like to assure you that he's very permanently dead. In fact I'm glad that they didn't make the Governor's death as gruesome as what it was in the comics, because in there you saw this:



The reason why in the first screen the Governor is holding rifle in his the mouth is because in the comics Lilly was one of Woodbury's people and she was really offended by the way on how the Governor made him to do bad things, and at the end of their attack, when Rick, Carl, Lori and Judith were running out from the hole in the fence, the Governor gave Lilly an order to shoot them. And so she did but afterwards she couldn't live with the thought that she'd shot a mother and her child. However, as it has been said, what was saw doesn't mean that Judith is dead.
Astonishing episode. I spent much of it gasping and squealing.
Gotta love Rick's desperation. He knew he'd lost the second he walked to the fence but of course he had to try and talk them around. Hershel believed in Rick; he believed Rick was going to turn the tide. He was a man filled with hope. I'm going to miss him.

I assumed the baby was alive still. Whenever you don't see a dead body or evidence of a dead body there's always potential for them to return. That being said, even though we didn't see the Governor get shot, it's safe to say he's not coming back from a sword through the gut in the middle of a horde of zombies (and the bullet through the head ;) ).

I have a soft spot for the Governor. Much like Shane he believed he was doing the right thing but he'd tipped the scales too far towards crazy. The sad thing is he could have changed. He could have turned it all around but he just couldn't see it.

Can't wait until Feb!
One thing we're getting away from here is that Rick could have prevented it all from happening. Instead he chose to risk the lives of two friends in order for the group to stay in the prison ; a home that was becoming increasingly unsafe to stay in.

He should have agreed to the governer's terms , got his people on the bus, and put as much distance between them as possible.

But just like with the governor his pride got in the way and so lots of people died - and they ended up having to leave the prison anyway.

I wonder if he would have made such a 'brave' decision if it had been his son and not Herschell who was being threatened?
One thing we're getting away from here is that Rick could have prevented it all from happening. Instead he chose to risk the lives of two friends in order for the group to stay in the prison ; a home that was becoming increasingly unsafe to stay in.

He should have agreed to the governer's terms , got his people on the bus, and put as much distance between them as possible.

But just like with the governor his pride got in the way and so lots of people died - and they ended up having to leave the prison anyway.

I think in the end Rick had no faith that the Governor intended to keep his word. And the Governor's actions in killing Herschel, despite a more than generous offer of sanctuary in the prison, confirmed that belief. If the Governor truly was prepared to leave the past in the past and move on for the sake of his new group, then he'd have accepted Rick's offer and made it work. But I think it was clear that he was out for revenge - he was never going to let either Michonne or Rick just walk away.

Rick played the only card he had - he called the Governor's bluff, because it was true that if the Governor had to take the prison by force he was ruining it for both groups. And it turned out that the Governor had gone full loco.

I wonder if he would have made such a 'brave' decision if it had been his son and not Herschell who was being threatened?

Well, that's another matter entirely, but yes, I'd suggest Rick would probably have yeilded in that situation.
He should have agreed to the governer's terms , got his people on the bus, and put as much distance between them as possible.

But just like with the governor his pride got in the way and so lots of people died - and they ended up having to leave the prison anyway.

Go where? It's not that easy to pick up your roots and just move away in a situation like that and besides the matter Rick had spent awfully lot to make that place secure and comfortable. They had gardens, fences, warm and safety. They'd everything they couldn't find outside, so who would just pick up their stuff after all they'd gone through and just leave everything, because another fool comes to gates and demands? Not me.
Just watched this (season's now on 5*). Very good episode, I thought, and David Morrissey's been fantastic as the Governor. Very glad Michonne survived, she's one of my favourites, and I really like the sense the writers have created that literally nobody is safe. Good decision not to show what happened to Judith. Whilst I'm not sure whether it would've bothered me I think for some that would've crossed the line.

Baffled as to why this is stuck away on 5* for the Freeview showing. Deserves a more prominent channel (I missed the season start but was fortunate enough to catch up online).
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