Who regularly posts reviews on Amazon and Goodreads?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Does anyone here regularly post reviews of what they read on Amazon and Goodreads?

Simply curious as to whether anyone does this fairly regularly.
I do on Goodreads, but only if the book is really good or really bad. Or there's something that just begs to be mentioned. I know Vertigo regularly reviews on Goodreads, too (haven't seen him in a while...hmm).

Don't think I've ever reviewed on Amazon.
Sometimes. I rate books more often, but usually only post a review if it's a book club book of the month (on the Indie Book Club group).

I post reviews on my blog, as well.
I've been trying to post reviews on Goodreads for the books I've just read - sometimes it takes me a few weeks to get round to it, although that does the benefit that it can help me decide how I feel about a book.

I've posted Amazon reviews in the past, but not in recent years.
No; I read reviews on those sites, but I don't post. Life's too short to post on multiple sites for me. I'm amazed at the lengths some people go to to review books they've read.
I sometimes post on Amazon - usually if there are either

1. Very few or no reviews of a book I think is good
2. Reviews that to me are having an unfair downer on a book I think is good.

But where a book already has at least 5 representative reviews, I don't review. Really boggles me how you get dozens and dozens of reviews about books by popular authors - sort of fan club thing.

I've put a few reviews on Goodreads but that was in the past and I've kind of given up. I'm not naturally a keeping lists of books I've read person, so ....
Never on Amazon. At Goodreads I use the star system for all the books I read and occasionally will write a review.
I never did with Amazon until I started purchasing things off there more and more. I buy maybe an item or more on Amazon a month... and to be honest I enjoy writing reviews of things I find particularly good. If the item is a piece of crap, I will, if it's pretty excellent or it impresses me I will... if it does exactly what it's supposed to, I probably won't.
Amazon yes. I've shopped on Amazon since it launched and in the early days I really enjoyed writing reviews. I only review now though, as Montero said, when something doesn't have many reviews or if I feel the reviews are 'wrong'.
When Amazon launched, being able to publicly like or dislike something gave consumers enormous power. Not so much these days though.
Although I use amazon I dont bother with their reviews. Its such a subjective issue. People don't like a book they will post a negative review. But someone else might like it!
I prefer to review in a way that presents a synopsis and my own thoughts on it, and usually only post positive reviews on Goodreads. I prefer goodreads aa I feel I 'know' some of the reviewers.
I want to know what Brian's after. Is he raising an army? Looking to wage a corrective review campaign?

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