4.10: The Walking Dead - Inmates


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
In the quest for stability and safety, the group faces many obstacles.

*** Spoilers ***

Yes Abraham! Wohoo...

... I'm sorry to be so excited, but Abraham is one of my favourite characters of all time and I was devastated, when he was wasted. So, I'm sorry if I spoil it for you but none of the main characters have eternal shelf-life. But in the TWD he is a true hero, an ex-military man, who has travelled the world and seen conflict.

Who the other two are, I leave that as a mystery. At least for now, as they both are characters on their own right. And even though the crew list is getting bigger, the devastation that the zombies caused them in the aftermath was horrendous.

I estimated that there was between the prison and the Woodbury at least hundred to hundred fifty survivors. But the madness Governor unleashed on both communities left only seventeen alive. Most importantly and interestingly we know that Judith made it. So the blood in the baby strollers could had been anyone's. Including zombies.


I don't know, because my mind cannot comprehend the virus completely and how it's slowing down the rotting process. We have seen them walking around with maggots eating away their flesh. We have seen coming alive from under the mud, and we know that there are worms in there. So we know that the nature hasn't changed anything. It only does it much, much slower rate.

But what I liked, and especially a character from the Inmates that I'd like to highlight is Tyreese. The big man armed to teeth with all kind of weaponry, even though he doesn't know how to shoot, and on his tug are the kids almost as if he's a big bear and they are his cups (I know that mothers do take care of the bear babies and fathers kill them).

It was clear to me that he's not able to take care of the little ones. Yet, he couldn't leave them behind. Not, if he was going to make it, because inside that big chest of his is a vulnerable heart. One that beats for everyone, including Carol. And even though he left the small ones, he didn't leave them completely. I don't believe that was his intention at all.

But anyways most important characters survive and we don't have to start from the beginning again, even though it could be interesting to start second half of the season with just Rick, Carl and Michonne.


- Where Daryl and Beth are heading?
- What's the new community? Danger or threat?
- Will Carol tell Tyreese that she did it?
- Did the rat feeder die in the prison outrun?

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Mixed feelings about this episode. I enjoyed it, and it kept my attention throughout, but I was kind of hoping for more episodes with only a few characters trying to survive. This one, for example, might have been nice as just the Daryl/Beth and Tyreese/Children show, with the next focusing on Maggie/Sasha/Smiley Bob and Glenn/Tara.

Then again, I guess that ten minutes each per group in two episodes is pretty much the same as half an episode per group over two episodes.


Daryl/Beth: I not sure who's more shaken - Daryl, or the audience at seeing a shellshocked Daryl. It's incredible how far Beth has come, from wanting to end it all, to being able to power through an invasion and a horde of Walkers.

Tyreese/Children: Those poor bunnies! Money on Lizzie being our rat person? It's nice to see Carol again.

Maggie/Sasha/Smiley Bob: You go, Bob! I'm loving his outlook, and his cheery little grin. In contrast, Maggie looks like she's going to crack really soon... but can you blame her? She knows she's lost Hershel, and she's facing the prospect of having lost Glenn, too.

The bus was pretty gruesome. Neat way to deal with the lingering Woodbury peoples, though. We're returning to a small core group!

Glenn/Tara: I'm glad Tara was spared - I think she'll make a good addition if she survives the next handful of episodes. Glenn is just as crazy as ever, particularly in his riot gear. Kinda surprised how well he looks, though. When last we saw him, he could barely stand.


Not going to say anything about our new ginger friend until he's had more than ten seconds screen time.

I would ask, though, for people who have read the source material to please put any bits of information from the comics in [noparse][/noparse] tags.
So sorry. The only info I have dropped in from the comics is the next destination, and the info on the big man. That's all. And I'm so sorry about dropping the info.
CTG and everyone really - please don't post spoilers from the books here, or else place them within spoiler quotes as Lenny suggested. People get more annoyed about that on a forum than possibly anything else. I know of people actually leaving a forum because of it. Within an episode thread like this, all information should be about that episode, or what has already gone before.

In this instance, I'm not going to edit your post (as I could) since we know already that what happens in the books does not necessarily happen on TV, or at least, not in the same way or at the same time. So, what you say is merely speculation. Informed speculation, but still not actually a spoiler.

This is a real headache in the Game of Thrones forum which is following those books more closely. As there, anyone can die in this show. No one is safe.


- Where Daryl and Beth are heading?
- What's the new community? Danger or threat?
- Will Carol tell Tyreese that she did it?
- Did the rat feeder die in the prison outrun?

Good questions! I also want to know how Carol suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I don't think she has told Tyreese, but he seems to be over that anyway. He has a new purpose defending the children. Which would have been good to have seen for a little longer without action-woman raining on his parade.

Where are they heading? My son commented that everyone is going in the same direction. I'm not clear on the geography (these things matter to me) but they are in Georgia and still close to, but North of Atlanta. They don't seem to have a goal, but food should be a priority. Given we don't see any animals (not sure if that deliberate) at least the seashore would offer the possibility of fishing as well as being warmer than going North. It looks like they are heading further North to me though.

Rat feeder - that is an annoying thread left behind. Why put it in and not explain it? Lizzie - I don't know? The person would surely have to have been in league with the Governor? And yet, who could that have been? None of the main cast, surely?

I was also hoping for more time on each character like last week. I didn't like all the time spent of Rick and Carl. I don't find them so interesting and I also found it very like 'The Road', which is very depressing.

What I would really hate is for Judith to be 'The Immune'. That would really be pushing the Television and Film Tropes too far!
What I would really hate is for Judith to be 'The Immune'. That would really be pushing the Television and Film Tropes too far![/QUOTE

Interesting. I hadn't thought of it that way and now that I do I believe you could be correct.
It is an interesting idea. If stretching credulity a bit far. When have we ever seen two diseased people give birth to a child that is anything other than diseased?

Doesn't mean the show won't go there anyway.
