old writing seminar(James Alan Gardner)

If you haven't already seen this it might be of interest. It's a bit dated now with it being 12 years old.

A Seminar on Writing Prose
Thank you, tinkerdan. It's always good to read of an accomplished author's take on these skills. I did like section 4.3, 'Reincorporation', in which he discusses his panster approach to storytelling i.e. he doesn't appear to do much plotting.

Also, I took a look at his home page... near the bottom there's a section titled, 'The Skills List Project'. Underneath are links to articles he's written about "... an attempt at listing all of the skills that are actually involved in being a professional SF writer, plus advice on improving those skills."
tinkerdan and cyprus 7, many thanks for the posting. These articles are very useful. I hope to be applying some of the lessons during my latest revisions.

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