4.11: The Walking Dead - Claimed


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
A number of immediate threats plague the group as they're trying to survive in the aftermath of losing their shelter.
Unlike the previous weeks, I'm not going to talk about the episode or the characters as it seems to ruff some feathers among the readers and commentators. Instead I'd like to talk about the harrowing beauty of the world of the Walking Dead.

It isn't by any counts a very nice place to live. There are dead everywhere, and no matter where you think you're safe, you're not because the moment one leaves the mortal coil you turn to one of them. One of the living nightmares that won't stop until someone splatters your brains over the walkway. And everyday that goes by more living are joining the ranks of the walking dead.

But if you take them out from the picture, the world that is left for you to live in is beautiful beyond words. The world where, there isn't television, radio, or music but just sounds of the nature and those noises that you make yourself. It could as well be the rustle of page turns, as you quietly wade through the stories of yesterworld and forget everything that's horrible out there.

And if you look the little details, the backgrounds, the settings, you start to see the stories of how we abandoned the civilisation and started living as nomadic tribes. Wanderers in the world, where little details quietly tell us so much about the stuff we left behind. So much about the world we're living.

World that feels safe, but if in snap of fingers, the zombie apocalypse would happen, we would be in deep doo-doo and nothing that we have would save us from the inevitable. And all that stuff, you see right now around you, would be lost. You just couldn't be living the life as you used to as you can see what's happening to Rich and his grew.

And the only way you could go back to that world, would be books and articles, musical instrument and recordings, and stories that the oldies would be telling to each other.
Talk about whatever you want, just add spoiler tags to anything that has yet to happen.


I enjoyed this one more than last week's, partly because we were back to two groups in one episode.

It was great to see Rick doing something for once. One of the reviews I read said that Rick is at his best when his back is against the wall and he has to react in the moment, and I totally agree. Watching him trying to escape the house undetected was tense, and I think we saw some of the old Sheriff again.

As for the other group... Abraham doesn't seem like that bad a guy!
It is almost impossible for me to talk about anything in relation of the series with adding something about the characters. All that I love and all that I hate. Abraham, Eugene and Rosita are all in the group, in both sides.

So I'm sorry I have spoiled the destination for you, but honestly, I could had spoiled so, so many other things. But I didn't. I had no reason to spoil anything, especially important character moments that are impossible to predict when I comes to Kirkman's creation. You just don't know what's going to happen.
There's no issue with discussing the show and the characters and their actions within the context of the show, ctg, and I don't see why you think you can't do that without referencing things from the comic books. It's easy enough, surely, to react simply to the latest episode, and discuss it in relation to the show's storyline.
When episode comes out and I know it has had direct reference to the comic book, why cannot I mention it as you people often do the same thing in other threads. But in here, like I've said, I've very careful on not revealing character development events. However, I'm accused of spoiling the whole show. Hence, I want to quit and leave this business to you.
Talk about whatever you want, just add spoiler tags to anything that has yet to happen.


I enjoyed this one more than last week's, partly because we were back to two groups in one episode.

It was great to see Rick doing something for once. One of the reviews I read said that Rick is at his best when his back is against the wall and he has to react in the moment, and I totally agree. Watching him trying to escape the house undetected was tense, and I think we saw some of the old Sheriff again.

As for the other group... Abraham doesn't seem like that bad a guy!

At first he seemed like a bit of a psychopath (desensitised to violence but then he's not the only one). Then he came across as a lost kid, putting all his faith in the scientist, who seems too dweeby to be believable.

I've only dipped into these threads so can't comment on spoilers but I will say every discussion on a series needs an "expert", somebody who knows the wider picture, context etc. So I find ctg's input useful
There is another reason why I want to quit and that is because recently I have been very tired, and extremely stressed because of Mrs Ctg health problems. And I hate involving my personal reasons in the threads as they have nothing to do with the series.

But let's say about this episode as I agree I loved having old Rick back, and he was in his element at the escape. There was nothing he could had done otherwise and he did the right thing as he went out to alert others about the raiders. And that leads to the question, where did they come from?

Have they been out there all this time, or are they stretching out from the mysterious Terminus to gain land around them? From judging by what they said, how they behaved and by their gear is that they are just like the groups we met last time in the second season, when Shane executed Randall.

Coincidence? I don't know.

And before you claim comic book spoilers, this is my own speculation. I don't know who the group is and what they present, but I'm certainly glad that they had posted those posters around and made people to gather in certain point. And that is taking authority over what happened to the world.

They haven't had exactly a government of any kind and what the Governor presented was all wrong. It wasn't helping anybody in the world. But then again Rick tried to persuade him to a change. Open his mind to co-existence instead of everyday worry over ones survival, where people cannot be trusted.

Those raiders certainly were that sort of people. but Abraham, Eugene and Rosita present the other scale. They want people to survive and thrive in the post-apocalyptic world. However to Glen there is only the devastation and the promise he'd given to Hershel to do his best to keep his daughter alive.

And the love he shows to his chosen one is flowing over the brim, as he madly dash after the lost, ones even though the chances are she has end up dead or worse. That is in his mind, where in the reality they should had planned for this day.

But they didn't. Nobody knows any sort of rally point, and it almost as if whole group faith is lingering on a hope that maybe they'll get back together. So is it the terminus where they all gather?

Who is waiting at there?
I hope Mrs Ctg is ok.
Yeah, she is. She came back from the hospital just week ago. So it was a long, long wait for me to get her back. Two hundred twenty six days to be factual on the count. But you Sir Thaddeus should be grateful for moving on and getting your name out there. Congratulations on your book sinage. Well done Sir Thaddeus White. Well done.
