What are we all researching right now?


95% tea
Jun 28, 2012
Connecticut, USA
Writing takes you down weird and often unexpected paths. Which means weird and unexpected Google searches!!

At the moment I am rather nervously researching genetics for a new WIP; it wasn't really supposed to be about genetics but the whole thing kind of crept into the backstory. Its a stupidly complicated thing and I'm here wondering what on earth am I getting into! :D

In December I was researching medieval warfare terms for another WIP.

What odd things have you researched lately?
Teenage metabolism. Well, I call it research, it was an email to a very knowledgeable person on all sorts of things.

Last week, mercury poisoning. Fox dens. Snow globe designs-vs country of origin (fascinating, that one.)

There was a time for wip one where my google history looked worryingly sadistic. Not the time to be arrested. ;)
My last research project was depth charges. I learned modern navies don't use them any more doh!

And excluding the reverse image search I did for springs - I don't google.
Strangely, some of my own writing. It's been so long since I wrote the first two books in the WIP, I figured I'd probably forgotten a lot of things that I might get wrong in the new book.

And it turned out that I was right! In one case, the fact that I was remembering something the wrong way would have led to a major mistake. And there were some lesser things that still would have been embarrassing. (Like the fact that one of the characters had a broken arm at the end of the previous book, and at the beginning of this one, a couple of days later, he didn't.)
More recently, airships and maps of Europe in 1870.

At the end of last year it was all about nuclear power stations and Russian swear words
Me, I've just been researching what to write next! D: While taking a break from my WiP, I've been thinking of smaller projects I could work on instead, for practice. There aren't many competitions or such that have taken my fancy, so... I'm a bit stumped.
haitan vodoun, bokors, 1700's stuff. particle beam weapons, stellar distances and the parsec. luckily im into astronomy too.
Who is the patron saint of super heroes?
With the help of various Chronners, I've decided it's Saint Stanlee of Merville.

Aztec and Mayan names, although this is meant to be for my Amazons for the Mordheim tabletop wargaming campaign I'm playing in. Hey, it could always inspire some writing. Unfortunately, ladies, most of the female names appear to be variations of "First Born", "Second Born", "Youngest Sister", etc. The men got all the cool names like "Black Smoking Mirror".

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