Lohengrin Remixed

Stephen Palmer

author of books
Dec 22, 2009
Fans of "epic atmosphere" (eg Lord Of The Rings) might like this amazing work conceived by composer Pete M. Wyer, and made with the Welsh National Opera - amongst others. A wonderful listen. I loved it.

Lohengrin Remixed by Welsh National Opera on SoundCloud - Hear the world

Pete is a friend of mine, a very talented composer. I'd never heard this work until this morning, so I'm passing it on to you fans of epic fantasy... 50 minutes long though, so make sure you've got time for the whole thing.
I just put new speakers on and had forgotten to turn them down from full volume for testing. I thought my computer was exploding, good recording though.

I'm always amazed when I listen to symphonies and hear what a range of tones and volumes they could produce without electronics, and it just startles me even more to realize that electronics is actually imitating THEM, not the other way around.