

New Member
Mar 26, 2014
Hey. I'm a new sci-fi author and just self-published on Amazon. But now I'm running into the problem of not knowing how to get my work out there and read by people other than those I know. Do any of you have any ideas on how to do that? I'm sorry if that's really open-ended...
Join sites like Goodreads and Shelfari (although things move pretty slow on Shelfari) and participate in discussions -- but be sure only to mention your book where and when self-promotion is permitted. Go to some of the small science fiction blogs, look around and see if they do interviews with authors or are looking for guest bloggers. If so, let them know that you are available. Find out if there are events for local authors at you local library. Go to science fiction conventions. Start a Facebook page for your book.

Those are some of the ways. You should probably try all of them and see which ones work.

When joining sites like this one, though, make sure you know the rules about self-promotion. Some places are very strict (this is one of them, although it's a great place to get to know people who might eventually become interested in your work.) Others provide areas specifically for self promotion.
Yes. I read the rules of this site, which is why I specifically didn't leave any self-promoting info :) I'm very new to this stuff, so don't even know how to get started. Thanks for the tips!
Like Teresa says, it's about making relationships, chatting to others and building goodwill. Forums are good, so are platforms - but selling the book rather than interacting turns people off. Sadly, it all takes time; a lot of it. I've been (very) active here for years, and on Absolute Write, plus Twitter. If I launched, it would have limited impact, sadly.
Oops, maybe sounded more negative than I meant. What I meant was, even with reasonable platforms and good will it's still tough on the internet.

(And I hope so, too.)
If you are happy with amazon take advantage of all that they offer with free promotions and such or your work will get buried quickly since there a large number of new books coming out every day.

This is one of the most difficult parts of self publishing; if you have an Internet presence that helps if not you have to try to build one. Truthfully though unless you have some other niche to offer on the web that can also be difficult.

Basically one way to look at it is that it's as though you had thousands of books printed and distributed and sent to all the brick and mortar stores and they receive them and wait until someone asks for it by name and then go back and get it from the box sitting way in the back of the storage room. So it's up to you to get your name and the name of the book out there in whatever way that you can.

A lot depends on some luck to get it in the right hands and cause a lot of word of mouth to give you exposure.

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Go to Kindleboards and check out the writer's cafe - there are literally hundreds of threads there on promotion. Going through writers fora etc, will not help a lot as most of the people you're talking to are other writers, not readers.

Cheers, Greg.
If it's any consolation, I'm in the same boat. When I contacted friends/acquaintances it was quite a shock to realise how few had Kindles! It has been very slow starting, but those few who did read it have recommended it to others and it's now getting quite regular hits. Be patient.

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