Split and Merge -- how

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Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Actually, though Starlyte seems like a fine upstanding type, that post shouldn't be there -- she's commenting on springs' picture, which should happen in the Discussion thread, not the Competition thread.

Can we move the post between threads? (I vanished it again by unapproving it but I don't know what to do with it now...)

It is doable - a couple of ways to do it:

A/ Split, then merge.

It's one of the trickiest things to do, but happens rarely, you'll be relieved to know. :)


1. Check the select box for the required post - the whole post should now turn yellow.

2. Scroll down the bottom right for the "Moderation" drop down box - select "Move posts".

3. In the option that follows, select to move it to the "Sin Bin" [to avoid confusing members with disembodied posts]. For the thread title, try and retain something of the original challenge if you can, ie, "May Photography challenge comment" or something like that.


Now comes the tricky bit!

4. Open a new tab of window. In this, navigate to the thread you want to move the post to.

Copy the URL of this thread - from your browser bar at the top of the page - ie, http ://www.sffchronicles.co.uk/forum/548180-may-photography-challenge-discussion-thread.html

5. In your original browser/tab where you have the post you just moved - in the second red bar from the top you should see the link "Thread tools". Select that and you should have a list of actions - select "Merge threads" and click "Perform action".

6. When the page reloads, paste in the URL from 4.

7. Select no redirect, and continue

And should be done! :)
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Split and Merge -- the instructions!

And me, messing around with moving stuff about :)
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