Which Film and Television Characters Do You Wish Were Real People ?


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
Which movie and tv characters do you wish were real people? All Genres.
The Doctor -- though we'd always be in danger from aliens, if he were real. :D
The Masterharper of Pern - Master Robinton. ETA: Dang it, he's not a movie or TV character! Well, does it count that I think the Pern books should be? ;)

Also the Jedi, they have really cool abilities. :)
Ohhh when I finished Breaking Bad, I really wished Walter White was real. I'd've walked to the ends of the Earth to help that guy :(

On a cheerier note, I would love if Gaius Baltar from Battlestar Galactica were real and Rygel from Farscape

It goes without saying that the universe would be far better off if Yoda were around. ;)

I wouldn't mind if a few copies of Boomer from Battlestar Galactica dropped down into Lancashire..... :)
Detective Charlie Crews, from Life
It would be nice if I could call up Rover, from the Prisoner, when certain people come to visit. :)
Actually, I'll go for Jace from The Mortal Instruments. Wish guys were more like him :)
Ohh and Damon from TVD
Ohh yes, good point. I love Aeryn and you mentioning Stark made me realise I neglected my favourite Farscape crew member: Zhaan. I would love her to be around!


It would be cruel to have Stark and no Zhaan. I guess that means we have to have Crichton for Aeryn too.
