Star Wars

Just bumping this as the Prince Charles Cinema is showing all of the Star Wars movies over the coming months, if anyone's interested.

I'm thinking to see them all, as it has been a long time since i've watched any of the movies.
It depends on how i can work my time at work for early finishes. I'd like to see them in chronological order and i'd like to see them all.
I did that a few years back and the result was a greater appreciation for the prequels.
I do want to see them all, though. I'm hoping for a greater appreciation of the Sequels, if i'm being honest.

I loved Rogue 1, but the others are all a bit meh.

I went to watch Rogue One having seen the first two prequels at the cinema. I had zero expecation of it being any good, and only went because I had a spare afternoon. I also knew nothing about it other than it was a direct prequel to Star Wars.

What I saw blew me away. Krennic was a totally believable Empire commander. Jyn and Cassian were perfectly believable as somewhat reluctant Rebels. K-2SO introduced genuine humour - something utterly absent from the prequels. The space battles were spectacular, as were tjose on Scarif.

I was delightfully shocked to see Tarkin; I thought at first it was clever use of old footage. I waz surprised to see Leia, although the CGI made her look at bit odd.

And Vader. At last we know why everyone in the galaxy fears Vader. Not because he chokes people ovcasionslly, but because he is 6 foot 7 of death and destruction. Genuinelly terrifying, and it's almost like a horror movie as the Rebels desperately try to close the airlock doors on him.

Rogue One is by far the most enjoyable movie of them all.
For me, those films have not gotten better with age.

I'ven gone back a couple of times to watch the prequels, thinking they couldn't have been that bad. And I come away with the same opinion. Terrible dialogue, unfunny humour, and the one good thing to come out of it -Darth Maul - they killed off as quickly as possible. Actually, there was one other good thing - the podracers. They were great, but didn't feel like they belonged in a Star Wars movie. And Anakin in the pod made it feel silly rather than exciting.
I'ven gone back a couple of times to watch the prequels, thinking they couldn't have been that bad. And I come away with the same opinion. Terrible dialogue, unfunny humour, and the one good thing to come out of it -Darth Maul - they killed off as quickly as possible. Actually, there was one other good thing - the podracers. They were great, but didn't feel like they belonged in a Star Wars movie. And Anakin in the pod made it feel silly rather than exciting.
If Lucas and his first wife had still been working together on the prequels . , the storylines and characters in those films would have been far different and far better, She was someone who could say no to him and he'd listen . Jar Jar BInks would have likely not happened or if he did , would been far better character and one that would have made sense in the context of the story. She might have even talked him into letting someone else direct and have input into the story lines.
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I went to watch Rogue One having seen the first two prequels at the cinema. I had zero expecation of it being any good, and only went because I had a spare afternoon. I also knew nothing about it other than it was a direct prequel to Star Wars.

What I saw blew me away. Krennic was a totally believable Empire commander. Jyn and Cassian were perfectly believable as somewhat reluctant Rebels. K-2SO introduced genuine humour - something utterly absent from the prequels. The space battles were spectacular, as were tjose on Scarif.

I was delightfully shocked to see Tarkin; I thought at first it was clever use of old footage. I waz surprised to see Leia, although the CGI made her look at bit odd.

And Vader. At last we know why everyone in the galaxy fears Vader. Not because he chokes people ovcasionslly, but because he is 6 foot 7 of death and destruction. Genuinelly terrifying, and it's almost like a horror movie as the Rebels desperately try to close the airlock doors on him.

Rogue One is by far the most enjoyable movie of them all.
Yes , Rogue one is by far the best of the new Star Wars film . The chacarets were all great ! I loved that they brought in. Tarkin , The actor and CGI were both very good and believable. This fi,, suspenseful , fun and funny and the battle were true Epic first rate ! :cool:
The first three movies were odes to B-movies and serials from the past.

The prequels look like a bizarre combination of adult political issues and children's adventures.

Rogue is notable because of the ending.

The sequels are like Marvel movies in space.
Tarkin in Rogue One was played by Wayne Pygram who also excellently played Scorpius in Farscape.

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