Maybe that's why he makes a good Superman? I mean, Supes has always been kind of stiff...
I liked him as Superman.
Maybe that's why he makes a good Superman? I mean, Supes has always been kind of stiff...
Jason Momoa. Terrible as Conan, worse as Duncan Idaho.
I can't agree. Aquaman was just as dire as the 2011 Conan. Maybe worse.Conan 2011 was pretty dire and he was not great in the role.
But I did like him as Aquaman.
I can't agree. Aquaman was just as dire as the 2011 Conan. Maybe worse.
Not sure I've mentioned this one before, but Steve Martin in 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels'. Used to be one of my favourite films, one I'd watch every year or so, but each viewing makes me squirm more and more at his pathetic overacting. Granted he's playing a clown, but there's such a word as finesse... Now I can't watch it anymore, despite Michael Caine's brilliance. It's ripe for a re-make...
And at least for Mickey Rooney [I have not see the Boris Karlof role], when it such a stereotypical and frankly offensive portrayal. Even as a kid [when I didn't know what Holly Golightly really did for her living] I felt like a really bum note in the film. Apparently Rooney was a pal of Blake Edwards...I haven't read through the whole thread but has anyone mentioned the habit of white actors who toke on Asian roles in days gone by? like Micky Rooney's stellar turn as Japanese neighbour Mr. Yunioshi in Breakfast at Tiffany's - or Boris Karlof (who I love dearly) as a somewhat cringe-making Chinese detective Mr Wong. ETC.
Nicholas Cage in the Wicker man (Not the Bees!)
Marisa Tomei as Aunt May
Keanu reeves in Dracula
Robert Downey Jr - Doctor Doolittle
Robert De Niro - Frankenstein
Vince Vaughan as Norman Bates
Johnny Depp - willie wonka
Jason Momoa in anything.
Val Kilmer as The Saint
Just wrong, on so many levels
Nicholas Cage in the Wicker man (Not the Bees!)
Marisa Tomei as Aunt May
Keanu reeves in Dracula
Robert Downey Jr - Doctor Doolittle
Robert De Niro - Frankenstein
Vince Vaughan as Norman Bates
Johnny Depp - willie wonka