

Happy Easter!
Jul 14, 2005
Shane... the man they call Shane... He robbed from....

Oops. Sorry.

Okay, while I was posting a thread on Rick's Soul I had a thought regarding Shane's name.

Did you ever see the old western Shane? The story is set in 1870's Wyoming. Joe Starrett, a homesteader, lives with his wife, Marian, and son, Joey. Trouble soon erupts when the local cattle baron tries to force all the homesteaders off their lands. That's all fairly formulaic stuff... until Joe hires Shane, a gunfighter, as a ranch hand. No one knows of Shane's abilities or his past. But he quickly makes an impression on Marian and little Joey. Marian is very attracted to Shane. Little Joey puts all his heart into worshiping Shane.

And it's all tied up into a neat package for Shane. A pretty wife. An adoring son. Land. All he has to do is let Joe get himself killed.

And isn't that the basic premise for The Walking Dead?

Both Shanes teach the little boy to shoot a gun.

Both Shanes are easily the most virile males on the screen.

Both have opportunities to ride on.

And yet Shane, in TWD, decides to take it all.
Interesting parallel.. I've not seen the film unfortunately. Our Shane is a long-time friend of Rick though, rather than being new to the scene.. and he thought Rick was dead when he "moved in" with Rick's wife...
In fairness to Shane, yes. But he sort of figured out that Rick was still alive by the time he arrived at Hershel's farm.

Oh, and Carl is actually an interesting character. If you watch Shane, you'll want to shoot Little Joey.
Yeah in TWD TV continuity things played out a bit different to the comic with Shane surviving much longer so they could play out the tension over the full 2nd season. In fairness, without that the slow 2nd season would have been even slower!

In the comic Shane is killed before they leave the Atlanta camp, with Carl shooting him because he (rightly) thought his Dad was about to die, and Rick going back much later to "put him down" once they realise that all the dead turn.

Carl has grown a lot over the course of the show (not just physically!). Back in S2 all he did was refuse to stay inside when told to do so, and poke a walker with a stick :D
mark, I discuss TWD with a coworker who has read the comics. I think I know many of the major differences... how long Shane and Dale live, Andrea's love life, Rick's affirmation that they're all infected, CDC, Darrell, Merle, missing limbs...

But I'm not going out to read the comics... if only a friend of mine had an anthology...